This is DRAG-onball Week, a week of Dragonball characters drawn in drag, or otherwise looking ✨fierce✨.
It’s Day 2, and today is all about Android 18, Drag King.

If you missed yesterday’s post, I mentioned there that this project was inspired after seeing a platform heel shoe and my roommate Alex saying, “What if Krillin wore that?”
But the more I thought about it, the more I went, “Krillin may not do drag…but Android 18 would.”
Now, 18 doing drag is already a challenge, because she has a twin brother. (Her twin Android 17, would have also been tricky.) I had to think of how to have 18 perform over-the-top masculinity without looking like her twin.
So I turned to DuckDuckGo, and up popped: Landon Cider.

(photo credit: ABC news)
(FULL DISCLOSURE: I know nothing of Landon, so don’t come at me).
I loved loved loved how Landon did the gradient facial hair, and I wanted to incorporate that into this piece with Android 18. This look also gave me 1970s roller disco vibes, and I wanted to add that flair to the final art.
I also wanted 18 to have a power pose involving Dragonballs. (Get it?)
However, it took a few tries at the composition to get the look nailed down. You’ll see what I mean in this YouTube short.
But I LOVE how 18 turned out here!
Like Frieza from yesterday, Android 18: Drag-onball King will also be a sticker. On Saturday, July 27, I’m taking them with me to Art Loop Mini Mart in Toledo, OH. They’ll also be available in my Ko-fi shop the same day.
(If you’re a member on Ko-fi, you’re getting these stickers as part of your rewards.)
Stick around for tomorrow’s showing – Princess Trunks!
That’s all for now. Thanks for dropping by!
You. Are. Awesome.