This is DRAG-onball Week, a week of Dragonball characters drawn in drag, or otherwise looking ✨fierce✨.
It’s Day 1, and I’m here with Frieza and his fabulous coat!

Before we go any further on this finished work, I want to share a bit about the process. Like, why Dragonball characters in drag?
The idea actually came to me when my friends and I went to see Six on Broadway. Afterwards, we had dinner at Brewhouse Downtown (in Toledo), and then we had drinks at Hamburger Mary’s. Lucky for us, Hamburger Mary’s had a drag show happening that night!
Well, along the bar they had novelty drink cups, including one that was a platform heel in hose you could drink a margarita out of. My roommate Alex took one look at that and went, “Omigod, What if Krillin wore those?”
It sparked the idea that would eventually lead to this DRAG-onball series. But who to draw first? Not Krillin, actually!
Frieza was the first one I drew in this series, going back to January. At the time, I just thought of doing Frieza and maybe a handful of characters for a zine project. Over the next few days, you’ll see the others I drew for this potential zine – Jeice, Android 18, and Princess Trunks.
The zine was not meant to be, though. At the time, I was in the middle of restructuring my Ko-fi membership rewards. This meant changing my zine offerings – switching from digital-only to a hybrid offering, with some digital zines and some physical.
That said, Fabulous Frieza waited patiently for me…until I got a new printer. One that can print stickers.
And babes, we are in business. Because that’s what we’re doing with Frieza and his fabulous coat.
I did include him in a bundle pack of phone wallpapers, which are free to download this week on Ko-fi.
As for the sticker? It’s coming to Ko-fi later this week!
My Ko-fi Members are getting these as part of their rewards this month. And on Saturday, July 27, I’m taking them with me to Art Loop Mini Mart in Toledo, OH.
Stay tuned, because tomorrow, it’s Android 18’s turn in the drag spotlight!
That’s all for now. Thank you so much!
You. Are. Awesome.