Prequel to "Catalyst"

Thank you all for waiting so patiently while I settled into my current life after graduating a few weeks ago! I’m back now, which means that this blog is back to updating on a regular schedule. You can now expect updates every Saturday.

Of course, you might also be wondering about the title of this blog post. A prequel, you wonder?

Yes, indeedy, this is a (scrapped) prequel to my graphic novel project Catalyst. I scrapped this prequel from the project because I decided to stick with the introduction in the original draft of the story.

Not that this 8-page mini is without merit. I’m still quite proud of the quality of this work.

I made this on 6 inch by 10 inch pages with Prismacolor cool grey markers, permanent marker (to get deep black), and technical pens.

Be sure to click the images to see them in large view.

Thanks for looking! If you like it, please share this with your friends. I love meeting new people who read my stuff. :D

As always, Don’t Forget To Be Awesome.


I’m sorry…again. I didn’t update on Saturday like I promised.

As a legitimate excuse, I am graduating from college, so my schedule has not given me the time to really attend to my blog like I should. The next week and a half are also looking busy, since I’ll be on family vacation and then moving into my apartment to start my summer job again.

To make up for this busy schedule, I would like to share another comic!

This one I did as a final project for my Contemporary Issues in Drawing and Painting class Fall semester of 2011. It’s called “Mermaids.”

This is actually one of the few comics I have made based on events that actually happened. Characters have been changed a bit, but the events themselves are true to life.

To read, just click on the first image and it’ll enlarge. There will be a scroll along the bottom you can use to get to the next page.

“Mermaids” was made with watercolors and ink.

I hope you enjoyed this!

I won’t be able to update again until either May 12 or May 19, so I would like to apologize in advance. I’ll be sure to bring another comic I did, though, because I did a lot of them this semester. :D

As always, Don’t Forget to Be Awesome!


I did not post anything last week. I am a terrible person.

To make up for it, I’m sharing with you an 8-page mini comic I finished recently for my Senior Studio in Art class. It’s called “Shadow”.

This was made with 6 inch by 10 inch pages, with India ink.

Just click on the first page and a scroll bar of the pages will appear on the bottom. I hope you like it. :D


Quimby’s and the Second City! A trip to Chicago

This past weekend (March 30th to April 1st) I had the pleasure of leaving with BGSU’s Arts Village to stay in Chicago, and BOY did I have a blast!

The first night there we went and saw Second City perform, and if you ever find yourself in Chicago, see them. ASAP. Seriously. To tell you how funny it is, let’s just say that a lot of Saturday Night Live cast members (including Tina Fey and John Belushi) got their start with Second City. Their humor can switch almost effortlessly between skits from sweet to politically-charged to absolutely raunchy. Go find them when you’re in town.

We saw a lot of other sites, including Michigan Avenue, the Disney store, the Hershey’s store, and the Marylin Monroe statue! We also went to the Chicago Institute of Art, Millenium Park (and the Jelly Bean) and the Museum of Contemporary Art. The MCA’s current exhibit actually covers art from the 1980s, which is….interesting. Better than their fashion sense, I’ll give them that.

AND WE FOUND QUIMBY’S BOOKSTORE! Holy snood was that freaking amazing! And the taxi driver who took us there was even nice! (Not the guy on the way back. He was presumptuous and demanded a tip.) Literally half of all of my souvenirs came from this bookstore because they have the coolest and best self-published comics and zines and independent/underground comics I have ever found in a book store so far! This is also a go-to place if you find yourself in Chicago, even if you don’t like comics: some friends who came with me to Quimby’s don’t even read comics, and they still found stuff they liked…..mostly smut….

I WOULD include pictures of all the places I saw in Chicago, but 1) those pictures were all taken on my phone, and the quality is crap because I don’t have an iPhone like all of my other peers, and 2) I’m trying not to spam this blog.

Instead, I shall include pictures of all the souvenirs I got from that marvelous city.


The Jack Skellington Shirt came from the Disney store. I’m going to be gifting that to someone soon.

A delightful shirt from the Chicago Institute of Art.

All the books I found at Quimby’s are here.

Postcards and a Bookmark from the Chicago Institute of Art.

Found this Sticker at Quimby’s. It now decorates my Sketchbook.

My other souvenirs not Quimby’s-related. The shirt came from the Museum of Contemporary Art and says “Fear No Art.”

By the way, if you didn’t notice, I also got both volumes of Maus while in Chicago. If you haven’t read it yet, why the fuck haven’t you? This is probably the best damn graphic novel I’ve read for a long time in terms of brutal and raw emotions.

That’s all for now. Next week I hope to post a comic I’ve finished recently, but if not, expect some sketches!

Don’t Forget to Be Awesome.

"The Reunion"

Before I show any work-in-progress, and before I go off to Chicago for the weekend, I would like to show to you a two-page original comic I call, “The Reunion.”

The first page is, I believe, ten inches by seven inches. The second page is four and a half feet tall by two feet wide.

As you can imagine, it won’t be easy to make prints of these. But here on the internet, you can enjoy this brother and sister duo meeting again after the brother’s year of absence.

Please click on the images to enlage them. They’re best seen when they’re larger.

I enjoyed making this, every minute of the way.