Camp NaNoWriMo, Episode 1

Surprise! It’s a podcast! I’m pausing live streams for April to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo.

Camp NaNoWriMo is a writing challenge hosted by the same folks who run National Novel Writing Month. Here’s the difference: National Novel Writing Month is a challenge to write 50,000 words on a totally new idea. With Camp NaNoWriMo, you set your own goal.

So this month, I want to revisit – and rewrite – a story I wrote back in 2015, called The Uthers. Be sure to give this episode a listen if you want to learn more!

Thanks for listening.

You. Are. Awesome.

Why I Make Multiple Comics at Once

johnson and sir and seeing him comics pages on drafting table
Some Johnson & Sir projects and Seeing Him pages. No big deal.

I was chatting with some peeps on Twitter about personal projects, and they asked me, “What’s your personal project?”

And I said, “I don’t have just one. I have several in various stages of completion.”

When I thought about it, it made sense to me, but it may make some people go, “Jeez, why do you work so hard on so much stuff ON TOP OF a day job?” Continue reading “Why I Make Multiple Comics at Once”