Charlie, the All-Rounder – Fighting Game Concept Art

This is Charlie!

This character stars in my comics Charlie & Clow, Charlie & Clow: The Bonus Arc, and The Case of the Wendigo. I also decided to include her in a fighting game concept as part of the character line-up.

To me it only makes sense. In the comics, she’s a student of Tae Kwon Do. So why not have her put that to use in a fighting game?

She was the first character I drew as part of the character line-up for this game idea. After sketching a few ideas, I went with this pose. It captures her attitude well, I think. And then I drew her in every stage on Clip Studio Paint. (This was before I discovered the timelapse feature in Clip Studio, so sadly, I have no timelapse animation of drawing her, like I do most of the other characters).

I’ll be posting more character art as time goes on. So stay tuned!

If you would like to watch me draw these characters, I do live streams on Twitch on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 2 pm EST. So be sure to tune in sometime! Like, today even! Of course, I don’t stream if I’m out of town or sick, but I do my best to let you know ahead of time about schedule changes.

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

Charlie in Action: A Sketch

charlie the black punk girl in final fantasy cosplay striking an action pose

I promised more Charlie sketches a while ago. And I found one in the old sketchbook bin.

Honestly, I loved drawing Charlie in action poses. I haven’t drawn things like this for a long while. I should get back into it.

I drew her in this outfit because I wanted something that looked sleek yet unobtrusive for martial arts moves. She’s a Tae Kwon Do practitioner, after all.

And now she’s available as a digital download! Check it out on Patreon or Ko-Fi. The original sketch will be listed on Storenvy soon.

Charlie, The Fashion Icon

This here is Charlie, from my three-part comic series The Charlie & Clow adventures.

Recently I flipped though a LOT of old sketchbooks (the oldest one dated back to 2011 during my junior year of college). And I saw Charlie pop up quite a bit in those old books.

Her story changed, but one thing stayed constant: her goth-punk aesthetic.

I originally created her to be one of the starring members of a punk rock band. Over time, she became more of an interesting main character than the one I originally wrote. So I rewrote the story to make her be the focus.

Through the rewrites, though, she always stayed a punk/goth girl.

Part of it is because of her personality.

But also I really like drawing punk and goth fashion.

So who knows? You may see more of Charlie being a fashion model on Instagram.

In the meantime, this original sketch IS available as a hi-resolution download for Ko-Fi backers and Patreon patrons. The sketch itself will be listed for sale on Storenvy soon. If you want to know when it drops, get on that email newsletter. It’s the best place to find new shop listings.

ALSO! I will be at the New Dimension Comics in Saint Clairsville, OH on March 7. It’s Free Graphic Novel Day! To celebrate, I will have free grab bags, as well as some original sketches marked down for sale.

(All proceeds from the sale of the original art pieces will go towards helping with the cost of moving. Because I will be moving to a new apartment May 1 this year).

Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

P.S. I’m not joking – watch my Instagram for future pics of Charlie being a fashionista.

Awesome Con Will Be Awesome

Heck yes, I’ll be at Awesome Con in Washington DC March 30, 31st, and April 1st. This is the largest show I’ve done in 5 years – there are roughly 645 vendors and artists in the exhibitor hall! Here’s where I’ll be on the map:

awesome con map table e13 pride alley

In case it doesn’t load, I’m at table E13 in the Pride Alley. Yes, Awesome Con has a special aisle on the exhibitor floor for LGBTQ creators called Pride Alley, and I have a table there.

While there, I’ll have a new Convention-exclusive print and mini-print available. Since the show is in DC, and there’s a pretty big indie/punk scene there, I thought I would combine the two into…

validation roxie awesome con print

The print is 8.5 by 11 inches and $5, while the mini-print is 4 by 6 inches and $2. Available only at Awesome Con, so if you can make it, be sure to grab one.

Here’s another convention-exclusive deal: Get all three Charlie & Clow adventures at Awesome Con (Charlie & Clow, Charlie & Clow: The Bonus Arc, and The Case of the Wendigo) for $20.

charlie and clow book deal promo

If you backed The Case of the Wendigo on KickStarter AND are going to Awesome Con, leave a comment and let me know BEFORE THURSDAY (March 29). I’ll have your reward set aside for you at the show.

If you can’t make it to the show, stay tuned – there’s a special event happening on my Storenvy shop starting April 6.

That’s all for now! Thanks for reading.

You. Are. Awesome.