Johnson & Sir’s New Stretch Goals

johnson and sir kickstarter banner

Good news, everyone!

The KickStarter to fund the printing of Johnson & Sir: The Collected Comics… is fully funded! That means the book is actually going to be printed, which is AWESOME.

Of course, now that the initial goal has been met, I have stretch goals to unleash, like mustaches upon the velociraptors! (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you really should read Johnson & Sir). Continue reading “Johnson & Sir’s New Stretch Goals”


pranesh from johnson and sir

Private Deputy Pranesh Guptarani
Age: Older than everyone except for Officer Struthers and Commander McWeenie.
Race: Human
Gender: Male, mostly. Sometimes doesn’t have a gender.

There are more secrets to discover about this guy, but to find out more, you gotta pledge to the Johnson & Sir KickStarter – the secrets are revealed in the book!

More character sketches are coming next week, along with more dinosaurs, Spaghetti Noodle Monsters, mustaches, and other silliness.

If you want all this silliness, there’s always Johnson & Sir – it’s what they do everyday.

Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

Pranesh Sketch (In Progress)

pranesh sketch from johnson and sir webcomic
(Colors will be added soon!)

Pranesh is a very quiet member of the Fantasyville Police Squad ran by Officer Struthers (also known as “Sir”). He actually didn’t speak very much until the Haiku Flu struck everyone at the police station.

Very little is actually known about Pranesh, other than that he has a sister named Sissy, and as revealed towards the end of the comic, he has tattoos. However, no one knows the story behind them. Continue reading “Pranesh Sketch (In Progress)”

Johnson & Sir’s New Book Cover (In Progress)

johnson and sir book cover in progress

Aww yiss.

I’m making the covers for the new Johnson & Sir book I’m hoping to fund on KickStarter. Here’s the front!

Next, I’m going to sketch up the back, featuring the rest of the cast, a book description, and some quotes about the comic.

Timothy Cramer of Provocative Praise actually had this to say about the comic:

“Johnson & Sir proves that simple world-building and silly plots do not prevent a skillful artist from occasionally delivering small masterpieces of characterisation, dialog, motion, panel composition, or page layout.”

Thanks, Timothy!

Johnson & Sir also got talked about in a recent episode of The Comics Alternative Podcast. Be sure to give it a listen.

And if you haven’t checked it out yet, go to the KickStarter page for Johnson & Sir’s new book. There’s some new art on the page, as well!

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.