Camp NaNoWriMo, Episode 2

I’m participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this month to edit (and rewrite?) a graphic novel I wrote way back in 2015, called The Uthers. Turns out that step 1 requires reading the original draft. And…oh boy.

Be sure to subscribe on YouTube to get the next episode.

Don’t forget that Roxie is still available for you to pre-order now!

Thank you so much for listening.

You. Are. Awesome.

Camp NaNoWriMo, Episode 1

Surprise! It’s a podcast! I’m pausing live streams for April to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo.

Camp NaNoWriMo is a writing challenge hosted by the same folks who run National Novel Writing Month. Here’s the difference: National Novel Writing Month is a challenge to write 50,000 words on a totally new idea. With Camp NaNoWriMo, you set your own goal.

So this month, I want to revisit – and rewrite – a story I wrote back in 2015, called The Uthers. Be sure to give this episode a listen if you want to learn more!

Thanks for listening.

You. Are. Awesome.

Extra Clothespins: A New Podcast

extra clothespins podcast icons

I’m getting really tired of not having all the Congressional news in one place, y’all. So I’m taking it upon myself to do my best and bring that to you.

Introducing Extra Clothespins – the short-form podcast about news that ACTUALLY matters.

This podcast aims to bring attention to what bills Congress is talking about, protests that are organizing and happening, and how you can contact your Representatives and Senators about the relevant issues of the day.

All of this is available to listen to, for free, at the Extra Clothespins blog.

(It’s called Extra Clothespins because I’m starting another podcast with my buddy Sean, called Clothespins & Hand Grenades – it’s a punk radio show podcast that also features rant segments, congressional news segments, and LOTS of punk, old and new. Mostly old. It’s not live yet, but when it is, I’ll feature it in a separate post).

Check out the Extra Clothespins show, and if you like it, share it!

Thank you for reading and listening.

You. Are. Awesome.