Thrill Jockey and Making Comics

Ok, so new promise: updating this blog will happen on a weekly basis, on Saturdays. That’s when my schedule is the least crazy.

We only have to put up with this until May, when I graduate from college. Once I’m out of school, things will return to some state of normalcy!

So the first thing I would LOVE to share is that there is a wonderful website that supports independent and international musicians called Thrill Jockey also has a lovely feature on their front page where you can download certain songs FOR FREE. It’s a great way to listen in to those musicians that you might like to hear, but are unsure you want to buy from. I can tell you, though, that Sidi Toure and Pontiak are sure bets.

Always support independent musicians like these guys. They have great music (that’s not dictated by big record labels), they write their own lyrics (which can be really damn good), and you can help an artist make a decent living (which, you know, as a fellow artist myself, I’m always trying to find a way to give back to other artists).

On another topic, I know last week I promised to post sketches and some titles of comics I had purchased during a splurge at Half Price Books. Well….not this week. Sorry! But be on the lookout for that list.

And on the artistic front, I will be taking photos of my current 8-page mini project in the works, and I will share my other 8-page mini I finished this week. Other sketches will follow after that.

In the meantime, if you want more regular updates from me, might I suggest you visit my Tumblr blog? It’s I don’t post my sketches there (yet), but I do reblog worthy artistic inspiration and other things I like. Hopefully you all may like it too. :D

So as always, Don’t Forget to Be Awesome.

I’m not dead. No, really. I’m not.

Holy bazinga I haven’t updated this blog in a LONG while. I feel bad about that now.

There’s a reason for it, though! I lost my personal computer because the motherboard got fried, so now I’m stuck with using either public computers or using my mom’s if I’m home on college breaks. I’m not too pleased about it, but I’m hoping I can save up enough to get a new computer soon….or I could maybe get one for a graduation present…(I’m secretly hoping for the latter).

In the meantime, don’t fret! Due to a challenge by one of my art professors, I WILL be posting more sketches on this blog soon. Unfortunately, with no computer to hook my scanner up to, that means that I’ll have to take pictures of said art with either my camera or my phone, so I apologize in advance for any crappy picture quality that comes about due to this.

What kind of art will you see, you may ask? Well I’m making comics for Advanced Drawing and Painting class, so you’ll see sketches and in-progress works of those. I’ll also be sharing some pages from my sketchbook, which I haven’t done before! Won’t that be exciting? I may also share some of my graphic novel scripts still in progress so you can see how sloppy the process looks. :D Seriously, if I compare my graphic novel scripts to my finer work, it’s like comparing a Peanuts comic scratch to a Rembrandt.

I also got SO MANY COMIC BOOKS this past week. My next blog post will detail what I got during that excursion. Plus a few other things. >.>

I also bought a domain name for this blog! It won’t be active for another 24 hours (says Google), but after that, this blog can be found at Simple as that.

That’s all for now. This year I plan to definitely share more stuff with you awesome readers. In the meantime, Don’t Forget to Be Awesome.

Digital Sketch Challenge ON HIATUS

I bring this update on a public computer:

The digital sketch challenge, where I draw a new sketch on the computer every day for 30 days, is on hiatus.

My laptop, which I used to make and store the sketches, is having issues with its power supply. Apparently it’s not recognizing its own battery. It doesn’t surprise me, because it’s really fracking old.

Hopefully this issue will be resolved soon! Wish me luck!

30 Day Digital Sketch Challenge: Day 11

Day 11 of the Digital Sketch Challenge. Let me know when the countdown thing starts to get annoying, because I have to do this for a total of 30 days.

This is Kaitlin, one of my girls in a current story I’m working on. I won’t say much about the story because it’s actually in revision mode at this time, but I love the characters and the situational comedy that springs from them.

Unfortunately, at the moment, Kaitlin doesn’t seem too funny. In fact, she seems rather panicked…