My First Year of Classic Plastics Toy And Comic Expo

classic plastics toy and comic expo 2018

It’s been two days since I came back from Classic Plastics Toy & Comic Expo down in Parkersburg, WV, so I’m going to talk about it now.

I’ve been to Parkersburg before, for the Parkersburg Pop Con back in September of last year. Classic Plastics was different in a few ways, the number one point being that it took place in the downtown Art Center. The other difference was that Classic Plastics was a two-day affair, so I crashed with my art buddy Kampie (whom I met at Parkersburg last year). We also shared a table at the event.

classic plastics toy and comic expo artist alley table

The goal this year is to have a table buddy at as many shows as possible this year – because last year I was often on my own (the worst was Comicon Erie, where I was at my table by myself for 3 days. NEVER AGAIN). Table buddies are a must: they help watch your stuff when you have to run to the bathroom, one of you can grab food if you’re hungry, and there’s somebody watching the table if you or the other have to get up and walk around to stretch a bit.

Kampie was a great table buddy for both days of the event. I want to work with her more often this year. (Also she’s got her own art on Facebook and RedBubble. Be sure to check out both pages.)

Classic Plastics was pretty cool this year! One of the Muppet designers was there (Tim Clarke, if you were curious). As was Daniel Pesina. Pesina passed around signed prints to folks who had tables at the show. He’s a cool dude.

There were a few great things about the show, including having Kampie as a table buddy and “fighting” with New Dimension Comics dude Jon over who’s the biggest fan of Master Pesina. Another was the trio of burly dudes sitting at the table across from us. They had wrestling POP figures, toys, and (brace yourself) T-shirts that said “Nobody cares about your fragile masculinity.”

Ya’ dang right I bought one of those shirts from a bearded, tattooed dude named Cash who looked like he could bench me.

There was also a tank top of a cat skull with the words “Dead Men Can’t Cat Call.” I traded a Forest Spirit print for it and wore that beast the second day of the show. Plus, on the second day, I met the lady who designed both shirts.

THAT’s the kind of thing I’m here for – cool dudes showing up with cool ladies making cool shit.

(In case you’re curious, yes, they have an online store at Bearded Death Apparel. Go check them out. They’re awesome people.)

kampie and kelci
A semi-rare look at my own face. Photo courtesy of Kampie.

The only downside with the show was Sunday, the second day of the show – it fucking DIED. All of my earnings were on Saturday, because on Sunday, I was lucky to make $20. Parkersburg, what the hell?

Then again, probably everybody in the town was at church. Parkersburg is a VERY conservative town, one that rejected an LGBTQ anti-discrimination ordinance on “religious grounds” and yet has at least two strip clubs within spitting distance of each other on the main drag. I know this, because Kampie and I stayed near one that weekend.

Classic Plastics, I love you, but your hometown is dumb.

So, a lesson for those of you who want to support local comic shows like Classic Plastics – GO ON SUNDAY. You’d be surprised at the new things that happen on Sundays at shows. Plus, it’s less crowded.

That’s all for today. I have to get back to KickStarter fulfillment and making commissions.

Thanks for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

P.S. Enjoy this sign that was definitely on display near the Art Center elevator.

classic plastics funny elevator sign

Fantasyville Productions, Conventions, and Sassy Teapots


Boy has there been a lot happening!


Fantasyville Productions is something I’ve talked about with patrons on Patreon but I don’t think I’ve discussed it here. Basically it’s this: I wanted to file Fantasyville Productions, LLC into existence because my business has grown enough that I need to separate my personal and business information and finances. Plus, my goal is to grow Fantasyville Productions, LLC into a viable small-press publisher and distributor. I admit, it’s mostly because I DON’T want to deal with Diamond. I have no positive experiences with them so far, at least on the retail-end. I don’t think Fantasyville Productions would get so big that it would compete with Diamond, but I’m not ruling the possibility out either. I have accepted that the world is weird.

So – I filed Fantasyville Productions, LLC into existence earlier this month. Today I FINALLY got my EIN, which will help me set up a separate checking account for the business. #adulting.

This might sound boring to you, but I’m genuinely excited that Fantasyville Productions, LLC is now a thing!


Currently I’m gearing up for Classic Plastics Toy and Comic Expo in Parkersburg, WV. If you’re going, I have a freebie for you (more info in this link). Things are printed and ready to go, and I have an artist buddy I’m crashing with for the weekend. Thank you, Kampie, for being so awesome! The plan is to go down Friday night, that way I don’t have to get up at the butt-crack of dawn Saturday for set-up.

While this is going on, I’m doing what I can to get ready for Awesome Con in Washington, DC at the end of March/beginning of April. I’ve never been to this show but I know it’s huge. Like, possibly bigger than Phoenix Comic Con huge. I haven’t been to a show this big (as a seller) in five years. And I’m terrified that I won’t be able to have enough for the show! But I can’t really order excess stock on books until after Classic Plastics. May grace give me patience.

There’s a couple of other shows between the two that I MIGHT go to, but the appearances will be related to the comic shop I work with now, not to sell my work. I’m already booked for Rathacon, 3 Rivers Comic Con, and Parkersburg Pop Con, though. Working to get back into more of the shows that I went to last year.


You know how March is typically March Madness for basketball? Well, I’m doing Monster Madness and drawing monsters. This’ll be like what I did for Witches: The Sketchbook – drawing a new sketch every day as an art challenge, and posting those sketches on my Facebook and Tumblr pages. Then I’ll be compiling them into a book.

Also…(I can’t believe I’m writing this) I might finally buckle down and get an Instagram. I’m still on the fence about it, so leave your most convincing arguments about whether I should join or not in the comments below. If I join, some of the first sketches will be Monster Madness-related.


The Legend of Jamie Roberts WILL be happening. The goal is to get the story’s script complete this summer, and then start drawing pages in the fall and winter.

Why the wait? Well, The KickStarter campaign for The Case of the Wendigo raised enough money to make the comic short story Dance Around the Maypole. So that story will take priority. That and, well, the script for The Legend of Jamie Roberts is still being worked on. It’s in the final draft phase! But still.


I may be able to squeeze a video update after this blog post. Don’t hold your breath.

Thank you for reading, and for your support! Hope to see you at Classic Plastics this weekend.

You. Are. Awesome.

P.S. That sassy teapot was found at some mall in Phoenix, AZ back in 2013/2014. You’re welcome.

Classic Plastics Toy and Comic Expo Coming Soon

artist trading card sketch card spread

On March 3rd and 4th, I’ll be in Parkersburg, WV for the Classic Plastics Toy and Comic Expo.

I’ve never been to this show, so I’m not sure what to expect. BUT I’ll be there with copies of my books, minicomics, zines, prints, and mini-prints, as well as buttons.

The Case of the Wendigo is not going to be available as a book at the show. I know. I’m sad, too.

But I will have free sketch cards. Yes, I’m doing this offer once again! Stop by my table at the show and I’ll have a free trading-card-sized piece of art made for you.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Leave a comment below to let me know what you would like me to draw. Keep in mind the card is about 2 inches by 3 inches in size.
  2. Make an appearance at Classic Plastics Toy and Comic Expo March 3rd and 4th during show hours.
  3. Claim your card!

Super easy.

Limited to one card per attendee.

Also, in regards to the sketch card, you can ask me to draw ANY character you like – one of mine, one of yours, one from a comic or show you like – I’ll draw it. If it’s something obscure I will ask for references, though.

Hope to see you at the show!

Thanks for reading.

You. Are. Awesome.