Punks, Comics, and Feminist Zine Fest Pittsburgh

pittsburgh sketches

This was a surprisingly long weekend, even though it was only two days. I had multiple stops over the two-day span, which is why.

The first stop was Copacetic Comics Company, on Dobson Street in Pittsburgh. I was worried that I would have to pay for parking (because city life), but I found a space around the corner.

A while back I had called Copacetic to ask some questions about author appearances and consignments, and somehow I forgot that Bill (the man on the phone) said the store was on the 3rd floor of the building. So I was a bit surprised to see Kaibur Coffee on the ground floor. I had to approach the building to be sure I found the right space.

Turns out – yep, I found it. So I went up the narrow blue staircase, past posters of indie bands, local theater productions, and guest lectures, and found THIS:

Continue reading “Punks, Comics, and Feminist Zine Fest Pittsburgh”

How Awesome Con Was Awesome, or Tater Tots Are Not Breakfast Food

awesome con artist alley table

This last weekend was my first ever Awesome Con down in Washington, DC. Why did the con happen the same weekend as Easter/April Fools Day? Because other cons were happening in the summer and, for once, the convention organizers coordinated so they wouldn’t conflict with each other.

I know. Convention organizers actually coordinating their conventions to not happen at the same time. To somebody who live through PIX 2017, which happened the exact same weekend as Tekkoshocon, it’s a freaking miracle.

Anyway, pretty much the only reason I was going to sell my work at Awesome Con was because of one dude – Carlos.

carlos and kelci

This guy was my table buddy for the whole weekend. He got me the table in the first place. He helped carry my work to the artist alley, got me food and watched the table during bathroom breaks, and helped to keep track of sales. It’s because of Carlos that this weekend went as smoothly as it did, and for that, I thank you, my dude.

As much as I appreciate your help, though, that doesn’t change the fact that tater tots are a glorified cafeteria side dish. They are not breakfast food, Carlos. No amount of rationale that they’re a tiny hash brown will change my mind on this.


I’m not going to get into how much I made in terms of sales at Awesome Con. What I WILL say, though, is that one of my goals this year has now been checked off.

Not only that, but there are new connections in terms of comic shops and fellow artists to collaborate with. Speaking of fellow artists, HUGE shout-out to the peeps in my neck of Pride Alley: Poorly Formed, Kelsi Jo Silva, Sarah Stovalosky, Rage Gear Studios, Static Starling (I forgot to grab your business card. I’m sorry! But your buttons are delightful), and Thirty Seven Stars crochet. (And a shot-out to not-table-neighbor Pride Alley fellow Dale Lazarov. Good to finally meet you face to face!) Every single one of you is fabulous.

photo artist alley table buddies

Another group of artists who are fabulous: Super Art Fight. It’s like wrestling personas draw art against each other using audience prompts placed on the Wheel of Death. Y’all are amazing. And at least one of you is…Sexyful.

sexyful t shirt super art fight

Also, it ABSOLUTELY made my weekend to see three things: my old college buddy Dominique, John Barrowman’s costume, and someone who recognized my art because their friend bought from me at PIX. Holy banana pants! It was my dream to experience someone who recognized my art from somewhere specific, and that was amazing.

With that, I need to get back to KickStarter fulfillment. So t hat’s all for now. Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome. (…Con)

I’m Off to Swarm Con This Weekend!

validation 156 promo
From Validation #156.

I’m hitting the road again, this time for Savannah, Georgia.



I found out about this show from my friend Chloe, a grad student at the Savannah College of Art and Design. She and I are going to be in the Artist Alley April 25th and 26th, showing off and selling our work. If you can make it, I would love to see you there!

In the meantime, there’s a lot of webcomics available for you, from Validation to Johnson & Sir to the first chapter of Charlie & Clow.

(Johnson & Sir are still looking for guest comics! More info is available here.)

And of course, the KickStarter for Seeing Him, the Webcomic is still going! So pledge, spread the word, and help us reach our stretch goals before May 4!

And if you want to help fund another campaign, Pink Dollar Comics (the soon-to-be publisher for Seeing Him) is raising funds to get to Flame Con. So if you can, pledge and spread the word for them too!

When I come back (on Tuesday), I’ll tell you all about my trip.

And, who knows? There may be a sale on my Storenvy soon after. ;)

Thanks for reading!