The Legend of Jamie Roberts Returns to KickStarter!

(image of Jamie Roberts, a genderqueer young person with messy blonde hair climbing the side of a mud-brick building. They look out at the sea with a soft smile on their face. Text next to them reads The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1 - Funded in the 1st 24 hours)
(image of Jamie Roberts, a genderqueer young person with messy blonde hair climbing the side of a mud-brick building. They look out at the sea with a soft smile on their face. Text next to them reads The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1 – Funded in the 1st 24 hours)

Jamie Roberts returns to KickStarter!

Jamie is neither boy or girl – they’re a PIRATE! The Legend is about Jamie and their two best friends, Thomas and Daniel, as they uncover an unfinished map to a land they’ve never seen.

So what do they do with this map?

(A picture of Jamie, a genderqueer human with messy blonde hair and green eyes, gesturing with excitement, saying, "Go treasure hunting, of course!")
(A picture of Jamie, a genderqueer human with messy blonde hair and green eyes, gesturing with excitement, saying, “Go treasure hunting, of course!”)

So they leave their life on the seas and go adventuring for treasure! Along the way they find magic, dragons, and an ancient history bubbling back to the surface once more.

Right now, the story is on KickStarter to get chapters 1 through 4 – plus bonus content – in one shiny paperback book.

If you back this campaign, you’ll get:

  • a custom-signed copy of the book,
  • the map Jamie, Thomas, and Daniel found, complete with their notes and doodles,
  • your very own orb (make sure it never breaks, or Ranki will escape his prison!)
  • and more!

Some rewards are ONLY available until March 12, so check out the campaign and back it if and while you can.

“Wait!” you might be thinking. “You’ve already reached your funding goal! So what’s in it for me if I support you?”

Well, we still have stretch goals!

If we can get to 30 backers, then everyone who supports the campaign will get a FREE sticker sheet included with their rewards.

And if we get to 40 backers? I’ll make a NEW minicomic for all backers, The Legend of Azu-Mi.

Plus, I have a NEW gift…

(a black and white line drawing of a dragon roaring into the void. The title, The Legend of Jamie Roberts, is printed along the top)
(a black and white line drawing of a dragon roaring into the void. The title, The Legend of Jamie Roberts, is printed along the top)

Here’s a free, downloadable coloring book page for you!

If 5 people color this page, and use the hashtag #thelegendofjamieroberts on Instagram or TikTok, then I’ll add a bookplate to each book! (Up to a maximum of 50 books.)

Broke? Share this link far and wide with your pirate-loving friends:

Some rewards are ONLY available until March 12. The campaign as a whole wraps up on March 27.

Thank you for your support, however you show it!

You. Are. Awesome.