
Before I share these resources, let me share one resource real quick:

If you’re broke and need more free things, I have a list of things I offer for free. These include comics you can read, games, and coloring book pages, among other stuff.

The resources below are tools that I have found helpful. More tools will be posted soon.


CLIP STUDIO PAINT TIPS AND TRICKS – I made this video to highlight some tips and tricks I learned while using Clip Studio Paint.

HALFTONE HOSPITAL – this shop has lots of tools for digital artists and comics makers, like screen tones, Ames guides, brushes, and textures. These tools are available for PhotoShop, Clip Studio Paint, ProCreate, and a bunch of other software. The cool part is that these are FREE, with the option to leave a tip for the creator (which you absolutely should).

INCOMPETECH – an oldie but a goodie. They go beyond free-to-use music for videos. They also have a graph paper generator, which is VERY handy for creating maps for Dungeons and Dragons. This graph paper generator also has an Axonometric generator, which is also useful for drawing from an isometric perspective.

MAKING BOOKS WITH AFFINITY PUBLISHER – This archived live stream shows how I format my comics and graphic novels in Affinity Publisher.

MASTER PACKING LIST FOR SELLING AT CONVENTIONS – I put this list together as a downloadable PDF. If you’re new to selling at conventions – or if you have been selling for a while but keep forgetting things – this tool is for you. It includes a list of basics and blanks for you to write in your own inventory.

NEW PUNK SIGNAL – MAKING A COMIC STRIP IN CLIP STUDIO PAINT – This archived live stream shows my process for drawing a comic strip in Clip Studio Paint.

OLIVE VIDEO EDITOR – this is what I use to edit any YouTube videos that aren’t live stream archives. Very good for YouTube videos, though I haven’t tried it for TikTok, Instagram Reels, or YouTube Shorts.

TURN KICKSTARTER BACKERS INTO FANS – This archived live stream shares tips and tricks for engaging with your crowdfunding backers so they stick around for the next project.

WINGED CANVAS – a virtual digital art school with free classes and resources.


QUEER LIBERATION LIBRARY – This is a digital collection of books, audiobooks, and ebooks, etc available through the Libby app, all focused on LGBTQ+ liberation, history, and memoir. Also features a Quick Exit link if you’re accessing this in a risky place.

TRANS LIFELINE – 877-565-8860. Run by trans people, for trans people. They will not call protective services without your consent.

THE TREVOR PROJECT 866-488-7386 or text START to 678-678. This organization is specifically geared towards suicide prevention for LGBTQ+ youth. They’re not a substitute for a therapist, but they’re there for young people who need help.


BLACK LINE 800-604-5841. This is run by BIPOC people for BIPOC people. Like the Trans Lifeline, they will not call the police or protective services without your consent.


THRIVE LIFELINE 313-662-8209. This is a trans-led lifeline.
There is also this Emergency Resource list from TransOhio.


QUEER ZINE ARCHIVE PROJECTmany zines involving queer/LGBTQ+ topics are out of print. But this archive stores many zines that some would consider lost media. The interface takes some poking around to get used to, but it’s worth it to discover queer history.

SHERWOOD FOREST ZINE LIBRARY – this zine library has hundreds of zines available for free download! They split the zines up by category, including Comics, Housing, Food, Native/Indigenous Politics, and tons more topics. Dive in and learn something new.

SPROUT DISTRO – this anarchist zine distro has a variety of free zines across a lot of categories, from DIY to digital safety and knowing your rights. Their newest addition is “Don’t Just Do Nothing to Stop Fascism.”