The Boardwalk of Savannah, GA

savannah, georgia

Last weekend I went to Savannah for Swarm Con and had a blast!

I had never been to Savannah before, so my pal Chloe showed me around the town. She’s currently going to the Savannah College of Art and Design, so I got to see a few of their buildings. Mostly we explored along the boardwalk and the shops that were there.

savannah, georgia shops

savannah, georgia boardwalk

It reminded me a bit of Marietta, OH since almost all the historic roads are brick or stone. The standout difference?


savannah, georgia historic steps


Dotted here and there throughout the alleyways are steps that are almost two feet high each step. It’s ri-goddamn-diculous.

At least the architecture was cool to look at. The boardwalk had buildings and stores stacked on top of each other like layer cakes.

savannah, georgia

savannah, georgia architecture


savannah, georgia

savannah, georgia

savannah, georgia hyatt hotel
This one is a road that cuts through the Hyatt Hotel.

We also had dinner at the River House. Their shrimp and grits are absolutely delicious and pairs really well with sweet tea.

Oh man I hadn’t had genuine southern sweet tea in such a long time. It was SO refreshing to get it in Savannah.

I also tried oysters, which was…interesting.

The first one made me go, “Ugh, what a weird texture. But let me try another one just to see if it gets better.”

The second one? “AUGH, too much vinegar on that one! Let me try one more.”

The third one? “…Yeah, oysters are not for me.”

I was expecting something rubbery, and…it was, but it was also slimy and cold. Not my thing. But I gave it a try!

Next time I’ll actually talk about Swarm Con, because there are some commissions I did while I was there that I think you would enjoy seeing.

Thanks for reading! You. Are. Awesome.

Why the Women Warriors Project Has Been Turbulent

women warriors hua mu lan
Hua Mu Lan

The Women Warriors Project was something I started a little over a year ago.

It began as a blog where I made illustrations featuring warrior women recorded in history, from Queen Padmini to Nzinga Mbandi.

I did this to not only build up a portfolio of artwork, but to give something to others that I didn’t have when I grew up: an illustrated history of women heroes.

Well, I drew up some heroes and put them up on Tumblr… Continue reading “Why the Women Warriors Project Has Been Turbulent”

Updates on Superhero Ladies and Women Warriors

jen cho nagatana superheroine original character art
Jen Cho, aka Nagatana (click to enlarge)

The Superhero Ladies project is coming along nicely! I have 17 ladies already drawn and the month of January isn’t even over yet. Hopefully I can keep up the good work and have lots of awesome superheroines by the end of the month.

There’s a few characters in the project that I’m thinking of branching off into their own stories, or maybe even comics. So who knows?

Another project I’m working on is one I’m reviving from hiatus.

The Women Warriors Project.

I put it on hiatus for a few reasons.

  1. At the time, there was a lot of freelance work going on and I couldn’t update it consistently.
  2. It was hitting an artistic wall, where I felt like every piece I made for the series was getting worse.
  3. I wanted to experiment more with tools like watercolors and acrylics, and I didn’t have the resources or time to do it at the time.

But I’m bringing it back! With a few changes.

Firstly, there will be a new finished painting every month. Acrylic, watercolor, doesn’t matter. It’ll be a painting.

As progress is made on the paintings, I’ll be posting them on the Women Warriors Project blog. The intention is to makeĀ a chronological series of posts, showing a painting from initial sketch to finished piece. Tonight I made a sketch to develop an idea for the first painting, so expect to see it on the blog soon!

Know any cool historical women warriors? Leave their names in the comments below!

Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you tomorrow.