Post-FCBD News

I didn’t update yesterday because I was out all day for Free Comic Book Day. Now I can tell you how it went!

The Apache Junction Public Library was not only in a cool building, but the staff was nice and very helpful. We got set up without too much trouble and then I gave two presentations. Everyone who came was AWESOME.

I wish I took more pictures, but I got this one for posterity:

I got my own sign! WHAAAAAT?
I got my own sign! WHAAAAAT?

Afterwards I hung out with some of the kids who went to my presentation. They were nice enough to teach me how to play Magic: The Gathering, which is fantastic! They taught me way better than the last person who tried to, because the last person who tried to was a college-age boy who was super baffled that a girl wanted to learn how to play a card game.

At least the boys at the library were nice enough to gift me a card deck. How cool is that?!

Anyway, now that the event’s over, I have some new merch to post up at my store. Expect to see new things coming up over this next week!

Thanks to Free Comic Book Day, publishers contacting me, and the awesomeness of public libraries, I now have an abundance of comics to read and review.

Since I have so many comics to read through, every day for the month of May, here on the blog, will be book reviews. You’ll still get updates on art and any future guest appearances! But be prepared for BOOKS. BOOKS EVERYWHERE.

Thanks for reading! Here’s a sneak peek at some comics I’ll be reviewing this week:

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