This is the revival of a segment that used to be called “Favorite Artist Friday,” but it’s now called Featured Artist Friday.
Once a week, on a (surprise!) Friday, I’ll be writing about another artist. It doesn’t matter what medium or subject matter they choose. Any artist may be featured.
This week, I would like to talk about one of the coolest artists I know, Jeff Laclede.
Jeff is a digital painter, comic artist, and character designer. He is also, I dare say, masterful with his use of colors.
Every time I see one of his pieces, I am impressed with how well he lights his work, and how that light affects his subjects. Lighting is NOT easy, but Jeff makes it look easy, which is the mark of an excellent artist.
Not only does he illustrate very well, he is also an excellent writer.
His current comics project is a webcomic called El-Indon. And it grabs you by the first page.

And it gets better from there! His characters, aside from being well-designed and memorable, are hilarious.

He also a great world-builder. As you read his comics you can get sucked into the world he’s creating and the intrigue within it. And a lot of that is thanks to his attention to character, great page layout design, and thematic lighting and tones.
He even succeeds in all of this in his illustrative work!
If you haven’t read El-Indon yet, you should. While you’re at, go follow Jeff on Tumblr and Twitter. He’s loads of fun to follow.
Thank you for reading, and I will see you on Monday.