New Art for DILFs (Demons I’d Love to F***)

For July, I have been making new art for DILFs, or Demons I’d Love to F***.

Why? It was kind of a dare from Junior Vigorito, aka vigoburrito on Instagram. We were tabling at GalaxyCon and we were talking about zines we could make. One of those zine ideas was “DILFs and Demons.” And I went, “Why Not Both?”

So I started drawing DILFs, but instead of Dads, it’s Demons.

The full zine will be available for my Fan Club members. But I can give you some teasers! Here are a few DILFs from the upcoming zine…

a blue-skinned demon smiles at the viewer while a teal orb floats above his hand. His horns are segmented and float above his head. His long black hair falls in one long wave down his back. He's dressed like a bard from Dungeons and Dragons.
A demon woman with dark blue skin wears a white veil that hides her eyes, but not her smile. Her long black hair cascades down her back, her golden horns floating above her head. She wears a flowing white dress with teal accents, as well as dark purple boots.

More DILFs will be posted soon. Some more are already up on Ko-Fi for one-time tippers AND regular members to see.

As mentioned before, all the DILFs I draw this month will be gathered into one zine, which will be available for Fan Club members to download. You can join on Ko-Fi or on the official Fan Clubs page.

I’m in the midst of shaking up my methods of sharing art on the regular with folks, so bear with me – feel free to share this post, too!

That’s all for now. Come back soon for more art!

Thanks for reading.

You. Are. Awesome.

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