New Weekly News Posts!

I’m going to try doing this thing where here, on this blog, I share all the progress, projects, and comics made in the last week. I’m hoping this’ll be a fun way to keep all of you in the loop. :D

So let’s get right to it!


Validation is officially online and updates every Monday and Thursday. We’ve been getting some good feedback already from readers, including a feature on MTV Geek’s Top 5 Webcomics You Missed This Week in the #1 spot! You should hop on over and check out what all the buzz is about.

Johnson & Sir will be coming off of hiatus the next week, with a change to the schedule: formerly it updated on Tuesdays, but now it updates on Saturdays, along with another webcomic…

Mini-Comic Theater! It’s now officially on the web, and will showcase the mini-comics I made for other anthologies and for conventions. Right now it updates every Saturday, but bonus pages will be added every Wednesday, should any come along.

The Legend of Jamie Roberts is still being scripted, and now it’s up to 372 pages! It’s still slated as a webcomic release for November of this year. I posted some teaser sketches from the script on deviantART and Tumblr.


I no longer have a Storenvy store. Sorry.

But I DO have an Etsy store and a RedBubble store, both launched this week. New pieces will be added over the next week, including some cool new T-shirt designs in the works. ;D

While you’re at it, if you’re a big fan of Legend of Zelda, go check out my friend Melanie’s RedBubble! She makes great tees, including this one that I bought recently.


Three new art pieces were added to my deviantART page, including Dragonball Z Convention Stickers, the Validation Poster, and the aforementioned Jamie Roberts teaser sketches.

Still currently working on a trade with my friend Casey. It’s 90% finished!

If you would like to be featured in the deviantART news section of later Weekly Updates, just leave a comment here, on deviantART, or send an email. I would like to feature other artists in the future.


Aside from the teaser sketches, other notable posts include a reblog of wonderful reference photos of Bengal Tigers, a silly music video by a trans singer, and beekeeper news and how you can help with the alarming number of deaths of bees (please don’t disregard this: as silly as it sounds, bees are humans allies, and the fact that many are dying because of pesticides that we are using should warn us about the state of our crops).

On a lighter note, my friend Chloe shared this wonderful art tutorial on how to draw hands holding swords, and she said some kind and awesome things about Validation.

John Liver also has some awesome art up on his blog, which you should check out.

And Christian Beranek, my lovely writing partner, shared this fun and curse-filled tip sheet on writing awesome work.


Next week will be more Validation, more Mini-Comic Theater, new Johnson & Sir, some cool new T-shirts, and hopefully more awesome things from my friends!

See you again this week, and Don’t Forget to Be Awesome.

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