Find Me at DC Zine Fest!

DC Zine Fest 2024 poster. We see little cartoon robots stacked on top of each other, reading zines and picking flowers. The fest will be at Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Library on October 26 from 11-4. It's free and accessible.

As you’re reading this, I will be on the train coming into DC. Because DC Zine Fest is tomorrow!

If you’re in the area, I hope to see you there! It’s at the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Library from 11 am to 4 pm – also it’s free and accessible to attend.

This Zine Fest will be the in-person debut of New Punk Signal and Fwishi’shi, as well! So if you missed the KickStarter for these books, DC Zine Fest will be a good place to get copies. I will also have copies of my new zines, “Purrmaids,” “The Himbo’s Guide to Cooking Chicken,” and “Witchy Kitties.”

Can’t make it? Missed the KickStarters? That’s ok, there’s a third option for you…

I have not sent out minicomics and mini-prints yet for Ko-fi Club members. If you would like to get these mailed to you, become a member on Ko-fi! Members get minicomice, zines, stickers, and mini-prints mailed to them each month. Even if you can only do one month, that’s ok – cancel at any time, no questions asked.

Ko-fi rewards will be mailed out around Halloween, so you have until then to sign up.

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

Last Day for the Limited Edition Rewards!

Today is the last day to claim some of these limited edition rewards and add-ons through Reprinting The Legend of Jamie Roberts’ Kickstarter! If you need a breakdown of which rewards are expiring today, I wrote up a Kickstarter update that goes into more depth. (That post was published on the 11th, but the rewards expire today).

The patron-exclusive mini-print for the KickStarter is still a work in progress, but we’re getting there! Here’s a preview of that…

a sketch of Jamie Roberts, a genderqueer pirate, stands on the wood beams off the mast of a ship. They have a smile on their face and a sword in their hand as their coat flaps in the wind

Ko-fi supporters will get the final render of this as a mini-print included with their Kickstarter Rewards when they back the campaign.

For Folks Who Backed New Punk Signal and Fwishi’shi…

Your rewards will be sent out either today or tomorrow! I tried to get UPS to pick up the packages from my place on Saturday, but UPS never came. 🙃 Once rewards are shipped, keep an eye on your inboxes for the tracking numbers. 

But for the folks who backed that campaign and have not backed Reprinting The Legend of Jamie Roberts yet… I will include this art in your rewards if you do. 

an anthropomorphic red bird man and a young adult himbo help a drunk genderqueer pirate, who's laughing on the floor

Once again, today is the LAST DAY to claim the limited edition rewards on Reprinting The Legend of Jamie Roberts’ KickStarter! The campaign itself ends October 21st, but today is the last day for the limited edition stuff. So head on over to the campaign and check it out! 

If you’re broke, share the news far and wide with the link yo. 

That’s all for now. Thank you for your support! 

You. Are. Awesome.

A New Campaign on the October Horizon…

There’s a new campaign on the October horizon… By that I mean I have a new campaign coming on October 1.

If you’re thinking, “What about your campaign for New Punk Signal and Fwishi’shi?” I’ve been posting weekly updates on KickStarter. This is the latest update, all about which printers I’ve heard back from and what’s done already.

However, New Punk Signal and Fwishi’shi are at my least favorite stage of getting to print: “Hurry up and Wait.” It’s the stage where you send off your files and you’re waiting to hear back from your printing partners. It’s a lot of back and forth, waiting and then a flurry of activity before you send things off and wait again.

During this waiting time, I started setting up the next campaign.

a blonde sword-wielding person stands with their back to the viewer. Their green cape flaps in the wind. Beside them is a dragon, of which we only see the dragon's orange arms, yellow-scaled belly, and red-scaled tail. We see mountains and trees and canyons on the horizon

On October 1, I’m launching a KickStarter campaign to bring The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volumes 1 AND 2 back in their next print run! I’m very nearly sold out of my current stash, and would love to print more of this swashbuckling, genderqueer epic.

If you missed the previous campaigns for these books – or even if you backed them and are looking for new rewards! – you can now sign up for notifications.

More details about this campaign are coming next week. Why the delay? Because I’m also preparing for TWO in-person appearances coming up soon!

Find Me In Toledo…

Sept 21 and 22, find me at Momentum in downtown Toledo off Summit Street. I’m under the big tent with a handful of other artists. Be sure to come down and check out my work in person, and take a look at the other very cool artists local to the area! More details are on the official site through The Toledo Arts Commission.

Sept 28, find me at River East Mural & Art Festival in East Toledo. I’ll try to share more details when I get them, but for now, you can check out their event page on the Visit Toledo site. (The site also links to their Facebook page).

After these two events wrap up, The Legend of Jamie Roberts reprint campaign will launch October 1!

That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more updates!

Thank you for reading.

You. Are. Awesome.

New Robots Comics Anthology Coming to KickStarter!

There’s a new robots comics anthology coming to KickStarter!

Canonwrite Productions got 19 different creators together for The Universal Flaws of Robotics, a comics anthology all about robots. I did a short story for it, and served as editor for some of the stories!

The Universal Flaws of Robotics will launch on July 14 – but you can sign up for notifications now on KickStarter. Be sure to also sign up for my email newsletter, because tons more books are coming this summer.

This campaign will be Canonwrite’s biggest campaign yet, asking for $9,000 to pay contributors and make an offset print run of the paperback books. So be sure to spread the word so we can get as many folks as possible hyped!

Here’s the link to the campaign page. Once again, it opens on July 14. And sign up for my newsletter to stay up to date on more upcoming books.

Thank you for your support!

You. Are. Awesome.

Preparing for Awesome Con with Ben-Wright Heuman – A Live Stream

Lurk while Ben Wright-Heuman and I work and prepare for Awesome Con! We’re sharing a table at this event (happening March 8-10 in Washington, DC). Be sure to check out Ben’s website and YouTube channel, as well!

⭐ To get free phone wallpapers and other goodies, join my email newsletter.

💜 Get early updates and behind-the-scenes peaks at The Legend of Jamie Roberts by supporting the comic on Ko-fi.

🖌️ I’m available for commissions! Check my Commissions Board to get started.


  • Streaming – Streamyard
  • Mic – Blue Snowball
  • Drawing software – Clip Studio Paint


To get your name added to this list, join one of my clubs.

  • magicalgirlkyra
  • All Unka
  • Raiden
  • Ella Q
  • Andrew Balch
  • Adam Vazquez
  • Maya Smith
  • Pat Jade
  • JessicaMcIntosh
  • RPZ
  • Bryce Bargar
  • Heidi Allison
  • Saphronia Maple
  • Bamboo Studiosbv
  • Cakes
  • Isaiah Broussard Art
  • C McClain
  • Rainer Kannenstine

And thank YOU for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.