Things have really slowed down in the Ko-fi Membership Drive. Will things pick back up?
Here’s what we’ve got so far:
- We made it to 10 total members on my page! Which means all members will get a Little Caticorn mini-print mailed out to them after Jan 31.
- At 12 members, all members will get that mini-print PLUS a Caticorns pocket zine mailed to them.
- That Caticorns zine got drawn live on YouTube! You can catch the replay here.
- We still need to hit the 12 member threshold for folks to get this zine. Which means we just need two more people to join the club!
So if you have the means, consider joining as a Ko-fi Member on my page!
If you are broke, do not stress about it. Seriously. The two best things you can do to support this drive if you’re broke as heck are:
- Spread the word to the folks in your life who like comics about genderqueer pirates, caticorns, dragons, and adventure! Use the link
- Subscribe to my YouTube channel. My other goal this year is to get to 1,000 subscribers on YouTube before the end of the year. It’s free and you get to see my art process in my livestreams!
That’s all I’ve got for now. Spread the word and get some zines!
Thank you for your support.
You. Are. Awesome.