What I’m Reading At the Moment

Yes, this is pre-haircut me. I can barely tolerate the floppy hair in this video.

Today’s vlog is all about the books I’m reading at this point in time. However, I have added one new book since I recorded this episode: “In My Own Way” by Alan Watts. I’m almost done with that book, so I’ll be making a Review Day Tuesday of it soon!

So what are you reading right now? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Thanks for watching.

You. Are. Awesome.

Review Day Tuesday: The Museum of Intangible Things

Today’s review was a little hard to do, and has a little more to it than previous reviews.

The Museum of Intangible Things advertised itself as a young adult road trip novel, but what it REALLY is, is an exploration of mental illness and friendships being tested.

With that said, I hope you enjoy today’s video as I talk more about the book.

Thanks for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

PIX 2017 Was Awesome

Pittsburgh Indie Comix Expo happened on Sunday and it was GREAT to be there! Got to meet lots of cool punx and zinesters. Today’s video highlights the zines and comics I got while I was there.

It was also just a good weekend overall. I got to step away from social media and focus on comics, from producing to selling, and it helped put a lot of things into perspective.

For instance, I have an idea, which I’ll elaborate on in a future blog post, that I’m not announcing quite yet until I write up a rough plan for it. Of course there are comics and zine ideas I got from PIX, too.

But one of the epiphanies I had was in regards to social media. Specifically, Twitter.

This is the second or third time I’ve seriously considered leaving Twitter, and I have a rule for myself that if I seriously consider leaving a thing or a person three times, I have to act on it.

But I’ll explain that in another post. Just know that PIX was awesome, and it helped bring me back to focus on what’s really important.

And before I forget, here’s the links to the zines I got and the creators who made them:

Embroidery Zine (listed as www.babe.city but I couldn’t get the link to work. So find her on instagram @annesley.bug)

Frizzball (frizzball.com)

The Not Dog (notamalia.blogspot.com)

Landscape (themedialuna.com)

Sharks are Larks (http://sharkworks.tumblr.com)

Home In My Pocket (http://www.radiochio.com/)

Staring at Walls: A Sketch Collection (retrokinetics.tumblr.com)

Dani and Emma’s webcomic, Sightings (sightings-comic.com)

Cartozia Tales (cartozia.com)

Chicken: A Comic Cat Memoir (chickenthecat.com)

Laser Kittens RPG (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/189398/Laser-Kittens)

Thanks for watching and reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

The Callback Kids – An Original Song

I was trimming my mini-comics and mini-sketchbooks the other day and had the idea to turn the camera on while I did that. That way you can see a time lapse of how I prepare my mini-comics AND listen to a song I made a while ago, called “The Callback Kids.”

I used to play Taiko when I was in college, as part of the on-campus group Hayabusa Taiko. I had taken music lessons before Taiko, like guitar, flute, and clarinet, but nothing stuck with me more than Taiko.

If you like what you hear, and want to hear more Taiko-inspired songs, please let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

So, About Autism and Sensory Overload…

I wanted to make this video because of two videos I saw recently: one was a person talking about Dashcon who then made a moronic autism joke, and the other was Tessa Violet’s video about make-up. How do they connect? Well, give this a watch.

Also, here are some autism advocacy groups you can support:

The Autism Society
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
The Lovaas Center

Please do NOT support Autism Speaks. This article goes into why.

Thank you for watching.

You. Are. Awesome.