Is Fantasyville Productions Getting Its Own Site?

In short – YES. Fantasyville Productions will be getting its own website.


Fantasyville Productions, LLC is the company I run that publishes books, art, and merch (including print-on-demand work). There’s plans to expand into other media, as well, such as board games, podcasts, and videos.


The site will be at Everything connected to Fantasyville Productions will be housed there.


I hope to get the website up AT LEAST after the KickStarter for The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Volume 1. (By the way, the campaign is STILL going! Go back it before March 27 if you can).


I tangled with this question for a looooong while. I originally wanted to use a totally new kind of site layout, but in the end, I opted to use WordPress. (The same software this site runs on). I’m familiar with WordPress and know how to use it and tweak it to my ends.


Don’t you think it would be nice to have one central hub for all the things that Fantasyville Productions does? I think so! And there’s SO much that Fantasyville is doing right now:

There are so many future plans for Fantasyville Productions, but all of these really need one home. That way, folks can find what they’re looking for.

The email newsletter I run already has the Fantasyville Productions brand to it, so that is not changing. But there may be other social media outlets coming soon.

But first, the website has to be made.


Well, I have to keep my portfolio SOMEWHERE, don’t I? I also have some other ideas for what to do with, but I’ll talk about them later.

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

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