Black History Month: Richard “Grass” Green

black history month richard grass green black cartoonists

Today’s Black History Month Figure is Richard “Grass” Green, the first African American cartoonist to make work in the 1960s fanart movement AND the 1970s underground comix movement. He did LOTS of superhero parody comics, especially in Star-Studded Comics with his character Xal-Kor. In the 70s and 80s, his work often used humor to expose America’s bigotry and racism.

Image from Museum of Uncut Funk.

You can read more about Richard “Grass” Green at The Museum of Uncut Funk’s website.

Now, let’s see if I can find any of his work anywhere to read it for myself…

Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

More Black History Month Sketches

The original plan to update the blog daily with sketches for Black History Month isn’t happening, unfortunately… but at the very least I’m going to post the sketches I HAVE done thus far, and will keep doing so throughout the month.

First, let’s start with Jackie Ormes, first African American lady cartoonist and stellar lady.

black history month jackie ormes cartoon sketch art

She was also one of the few people to address (at the time) modern black issues in cartoons at a time in history when people wouldn’t even touch the subject. Check out her comics and cartoons on her site to see what I mean. Continue reading “More Black History Month Sketches”