Experiments have been done. Thoughts have been explored. And now, I’m here to announce: that my Ko-Fi and Patreon pages are getting new facelifts. Or…re-masters, if you will.

Moving forward, Ko-Fi is now home to the Kelci D Crawford Ko-Fi Comics Club. (Or KDC-KCC, because I’m a dork who loves initialisms).
The Ko-Fi Comics Club is now home to:
- comic scripts that can’t be read elsewhere,
- sneak peeks at the making of comics pages, from sketch to lettering,
- early access to webcomic updates,
- Ko-Fi exclusive webcomics,
- access to sketchbook pages for my webcomic projects,
- members-only shop items,
- and commissions discounts.
These Ko-Fi rewards are available for Members only. To become a Member, just give any amount per month and you get ALL the listed rewards.
That said, Ko-Fi has rewards for folks who make a one-time donation or purchase. Those folks who give just once will get access to shop discounts and sketchbook pages only.
To become a member, head on over to the Ko-Fi Comics Club and pledge what works for you. Even $1/month gets you these rewards. As a heads up – the date you pledge becomes the date you pledge, i.e. signing up on the 15th of this month means your pledge charges again on the 15th of the next month.

Meanwhile, I have revived my Patreon page. By popular vote, Patreon is now home to the Kelci Crawford Art Club.
The Patreon Art Club is now home to:
- voting rights on new sticker designs,
- coloring book page downloads,
- hi-resolution image downloads (so you can get new desktop images, or print at home),
- a new sticker shipped each month,
- and commission rewards – from black-and-white to full-color, from half-body to full-figure. These are already discounted for Patrons.
Patreon has membership tiers that are more segmented than Ko-Fi. So be sure to plan ahead for the rewards you want. Certain rewards, like commissions, are available for folks who pledge more each month. So the more you pledge, the bigger your rewards get.
To join, head on over to the Art Club and pledge what works for you. You can cancel anytime. As a heads up – the club takes the first month’s charge once you sign up. After that, your pledge will process on the 1st of each month.
Folks who join one or the other (or both, I won’t stop you!) also get access to my Tiny Dinos Discord Server. They also get Ko-Fi shop discounts.
You might be wondering, “Kelci, why are you separating these into two separate clubs? Why not just make 1 and be done with it?”
Well, I listened to my current members on both platforms. My Ko-Fi buddies don’t want membership tiers as Patreon has. And my Patreon peeps want art and stickers, but no comics.
And I don’t mind running the two separately! It actually makes it easier for me to know who gets what rewards.
If you can pledge to Ko-Fi or Patreon (or both!), please do! Your support helps support me (and BreeBree, my 16-year-old cat) and keeps the lights on.
Broke? Then be sure to share my webcomic, The Legend of Jamie Roberts, as well as my YouTube and Twitch channels. Sharing these pages helps grow the audience, yo. You can also follow both the Ko-Fi and Patreon pages to catch any and all future public posts.
That’s all for now. Thank you for your support.
You. Are. Awesome.