For the Friends and Family on Facebook…

This post is for friends and family who are on Facebook.

First of all: WHY?

Second of all: you may have noticed posts coming from my account. That is, in fact, me. I’ve been sharing links to my Ko-fi shop stuff.

If you’re still on Facebook – for some god-forsaken reason – I’m going to keep sharing links from outside platforms, like Ko-Fi, KickStarter, and my webcomics and blogs.

That said, DO NOT expect me to reply to any comments you leave on those posts.

If you have feedback for me, you’re more than welcome to comment here on this blog…or email me, at

I’m choosing how I use Facebook, and here’s what I’ve decided on:
  1. I’m not downloading the app.
  2. I’m ONLY using the web browser version.
  3. I’m ONLY using Facebook to post links to my work on my personal profile.
  4. I will check notifications ONLY once every few days or so.

I refuse to scroll on the site, I refuse to look at other people’s posts, and I refuse to post pictures there. I will not start a separate page for my business, because one of the reasons I LEFT Facebook years ago was because Facebook stopped supporting small businesses.

Also – DO NOT TAG ME IN ANYTHING ON FACEBOOK. Tagging people is a form of data and I want my data to be kept to a minimum on that platform.

So why am I even posting on Facebook again?

Because a lot of friends and family – FOR SOME REASON – continue to use it, and I want them to know I’m alive and working.

I’m also low-key hoping that those friends and family will choose to support my work if they see I’m still at it.

Still, the best place to find me online is here on this blog, or on my webcomic sites, like The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Vanita and the Demon King, or Validation on Webtoons. (More Webtoons will be coming soon, by the way.)

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

P.S. Any and all Crowdfunding updates can be found on Fantasyville Productions’ official website.