Free Comic Book Day is Tomorrow!

Oh my gosh I’ve been busy getting everything ready for tomorrow, but now I’m ready!

Because tomorrow, at 1:30 pm, I’ll be at the Apache Junction Public Library!


I’ll be there demonstrating my art-making process, answering questions, and selling prints and bookmarks like these ones:



If you can’t make it tomorrow, don’t fret!

May 3rd only, every purchase made at my store will get a FREE mini-comic!

Also, I recently started working with Rocket Blast Comics. If you like their Facebook Page or follow them on Twitter, you can get a free copy of their comic PrideLands. Free comics for everyone!

Most importantly, if you can, go to your local comic shop and get free comics there. Here’s a link to a comic shop locator to help you find participating stores. Your local comic shop is still a great place to find new comics, plus your support stays local (a plus if you’re into shopping locally like I am).

I hope to see you at the library tomorrow! If you can’t make it, please show support in any way you can, whether that’s sharing all the things I just shared or supporting other favorite artists.

You. Are. Awesome.

Sketches and Bookmarks, Yo

In the last post I said I would update you all on something the next day that wasn’t art-related.

Turns out I lied. Or rather, I didn’t fulfill my promise, because I didn’t update yesterday.

But I did today!

I actually updated a lot of pages here on the blog. There’s now new stuff in Sketches, Illustrations, and Commissioned Works.

(I’m still available for commissions, by the way. Patricia, I’m working on yours right now. There are four spaces left open if you’re not Patricia and are interested!)

I’ve also been working on new merch for Free Comic Book Day this Saturday. Here’s a peek at some bookmarks I finished:


Thor and Fury are coming soon.

Sometimes I notice that some comic artists will cut off figures at the shins and I say to myself, “I would never do that!” And then it turns out that I do. I bring shame on my head.

Maybe my next batch of bookmarks will be better at actually showing whole figures.

I realized the other day that I shared a sketch on my Tumblr, but I didn’t post it here yet! So here it is:


It’s my resident Goth Punk girl, Charlie, showing off some of her outfits. They may make a reappearance in Charlie & Clow, the story I’m writing with her.

Off-topic, I’ve been plugging my appearance this Saturday at the Apache Junction Public Library like crazy. And I realized that not everyone who likes my work can be able to make it to the event that day.

So here’s what I’m doing for you who can’t make it: THIS Saturday (May 3), when you buy anything at my store, you’ll get a free (yes, FREE) mini-comic that I made exclusively for Free Comic Book Day!

I’m not going to tell you what it’s about, except that readers of Validation will be very excited to get it.

I hope I got you good and hyped! Again, I’m presenting stuff and selling prints and bookmarks at the Apache Junction Public Library THIS Saturday. If you can’t make it, go online that day and buy something on my store and you’ll get a free mini-comic.

You are awesome! Thanks for reading.

Snafus, Sketches, and New Projects, Oh My!

You know, I was hoping to actually make some comics today. I was raring to go and everything!

But then when I went to get my prescription at the pharmacy, there was a snafu with my insurance and that took TWO HOURS to fix. Me and insurance companies don’t really get along, especially after last year, when I was in a car and got hit by ANOTHER car. That wasn’t pleasant.

Thankfully the prescription snafu was not on the same scale as the car accident. Two hours is nothing compared to five MONTHS of paperwork.

And thankfully, too, the people at my pharmacy and the person on the customer service line were VERY friendly and understanding. Faith in humanity restored, even if insurance is asenine.

Anyway, I didn’t want to bore you with medical crap (however, quick PSA: take glucosamine. It lubricates your joints and I’ve noticed that my formerly-broken wrist snaps a lot less often since I started taking it).

I also wanted to share with you some quick sketches I found on my hard drive the other day because EFF YEAH SKETCHES and EFF YEAH The Legend of Jamie Roberts!




The last one I actually drew the other day. This is Egyt, the Bushwoman on the outskirts of Maliwe. In literary terms, she’s known as the Threshold Guardian, giving warning to our main characters of what has been happening in Maliwe.

Let’s see, what else has been happening…

I’m now collaborating with Rocket Blast Comics to help promote their work, so yay!

I’m also in talks with someone right now about starting a graphic novel project. I’ll let you know what’s up as we hammer things out…

Speaking of projects, I’ll be finishing up some new work for the Free Comic Book Day Event this Saturday! I’ll be at the Apache Junction Public Library in Phoenix, AZ, talking about comics and showing off my process of how I make my own, plus selling a few new things. Events start at 1:30. Be there? Please? I’d love to see you.

By the way, I’ve been changing a few things here on the website. I hope you like the changes! It’s mostly just button art and a list of appearances I’ll be making this year.

That’s all I got right now. Come back for a new post tomorrow that’s not about status updates and sketches. What will it be about? …You’ll just have to come back, won’t you?

Free Comic Book Day…Promo Poster



I have just spent the better part of half of the day making this flyer. I’m actually kind of proud of it!

I made this flyer for the Apache Junction Public Library, as I will be speaking and doing demonstrations of my comics-making process that day. May 3, Phoenix, AZ. You should be there (I would love it if you make it).

Now who all can you spot in the picture?

Comic Shop Smorgasbord

Today my sis, my brother-in-law, and I went out for lunch, and on the way back home, I saw a comic shop and we HAD to stop by.

The place is in Phoenix, AZ, and is called Dr. Fantasy’s Comic Books ‘N’ More.


After much consideration and browsing through ALL THE AMAZING COMICS, I finally decided to get these…

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That is a Bone plushy of Smiley Bone (my favorite Bone and oh my goodness is it soft!), Bucko by Jeff Parker and Erika Moen (I follow Erika Moen on Twitter and LOVE her stuff, so I had to buy), Loki, Agent of Asgard issue 1, and the collected Guardians of the Galaxy (I had to read this series before seeing the movie this summer).

I also saw a lot of promotional posters for Free Comic Book Day, which reminds me that I need to finish my promo poster ASAP. I’m making the poster for the Free Comic Book Day Event at the Apache Junction Public Library, where I’ll be speaking, showing off my work process, and selling some new prints and bookmarks.

Thank you for tolerating my promotional paragraph. As a reward, here’s a GORGEOUS Ganondorf figure among the figures in Dr. Fantasy’s Comic Books N More:

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I tried to get a close-up, but the camera got blurry.