No New Streams Until 2023

holiday break! streams will be back in 2023. or

Time for a Holiday Break! There will be no new live streams for the rest of the year. Streams will resume in 2023 with a new schedule.

While I’m at it, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok will also go on hiatus. Updates on those platforms will resume on January 2, 2023.

I want to lighten my workload for the remainder of this year. And pausing streams and social media will help a lot. Besides, I want to plan some new things for next year.

Blog posts here on this site will still update! Plus The Legend of Jamie Roberts, New Punk Signal, and Validation (on Instagram and Webtoon) will continue their update schedules.

A new webcomic is coming to my email newsletter, by the way! To see the production of it, be sure to join the Digital Club, either through my Subscribe Page or by becoming a Ko-Fi Member.

That’s all for now. Thank you for your support!

You. Are. Awesome.

Live Streams Are Going on Hiatus (For a Bit)

I have been streaming live on YouTube and Twitch on Tuesdays and Saturdays for a while. However, for now, I’m putting live streams on hiatus.

Why? A few reasons…

  1. I’m working on a new schedule due to a side gig. I don’t always have Tuesdays or Saturdays off. If I return to it, the days I stream will have to change.
  2. I’m getting burnt out. I’m out of ideas for what I can stream live, and I don’t want that to show in front of a camera.
  3. I need new ideas for what to stream. The obvious answer is “gaming content” but I’m not terribly interested in that. Plus I don’t have a good set-up for that sort of thing – for tabletop OR video games.

I don’t know when (or if?) I’ll return to streams. But for now, I’m pausing so I can rest and recollect.

In the meantime, I will make an honest effort to upload to Instagram and TikTok more frequently. You can follow me on Instagram @kelcidcomics and on TikTok @kelcidc.

Also! I’m posting to this blog more frequently. That’s the plan, anyway. Stay tuned.

That’s all for now. Thank you for your understanding!

You. Are. Awesome.

See You in 2022

illustration rendered in markers of an aquaduct circling a massive tree.

I’m taking a social media hiatus, starting today and going until January 1, 2022.

That means…

That said, my webcomics The Legend of Azu-Mi (on The Legend of Jamie Roberts website) and Puzzlespell will still update. Email newsletters will still go out every Friday. And Ko-Fi and Patreon will get regular posts.

But no social media. I’m taking a hiatus from them to reassess, recharge, and plan new projects for next year.

See you in 2022!

Thank you for your support and understanding.

You. Are. Awesome.

Taking A Break From Livestreaming

I’m taking a short break from livestreaming.

Right now I have a LOT of work to catch up on (including behind-the-scenes stuff for Validation, NeverEnding, and The Legend of Jamie Roberts). After that…

Well, after that I want to run these streams differently.

For one thing, I’m going to bring the schedule down to doing one new stream a month.

For another thing, I’ll be doing giveaways during these monthly livestreams – I’m still sitting on a LOT of books and art.

Also, I want to do more than just drawing live. With convention season and workshops not being things for the foreseeable future, I would like to do more tutorial livestreams.

Just to spitball some ideas, these are the sorts of workshops, panels, etc I would be participating in during convention season. Let me know which of these topics you’d like me to talk about in next month’s livestream:

  • How to Make Webcomics
  • LGBTQ representation in comics
  • How to Make a Minicomic
  • Character Design That’s Awesome

In the meantime, I’ll be taking a break from posting online (stream or otherwise) until the week of July 15. But I’ll be in the comments…lurking…

Anyway – thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

On Vacation, BRB

Starting today, I will be on vacation. I’ll be back in the office August 12.

That means The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Indie Comics Hub, the email newsletter, KickStarter fulfillment, and email and Facebook page posts are ALL on hiatus.

These projects will come back online at various times. After August 12, keep an eye on Facebook and Instagram for more updates.

Thank you for your understanding, and I will see you again soon!