September Convention Reviews in 1 Paragraph or Less

Let’s get right to it!


They changed the dates this year and that affected attendance HARD. Had a great time, saw cool peeps, and got to hang out with table buddies whom I would totally have a corner booth with again. Also, corner booths are where it’s at.

8/10, PLEASE get the old dates back!


HOLY BANANA PANTS a dream come true for me. Had the best table neighbor and assistant, KickStarter gave me incredible freebies, and everyone was AWESOME. But got a case of the con crud after.

11/10, sales were worth the sickness. Wanna’ go again.


Oh good lord I can’t sum up my feelings about this show in a short paragraph. I need a full-on review.

Spoilers: it was emotional chaos.

I can’t number this/10, most likely not going back next year, sorry.


While tables were REALLY affordable at this show, low attendance was a concern. At least I shared a table with Ben Wright-Heuman again, and our table neighbor helped out by lending me an extra card table for the event.

meh/10, I might actually skip this next year. We’ll see.

That’s all for now! Next I’ll review Youngstown Indie Creator Expo, which is happening this Saturday, Oct. 5.

Thanks for reading.

You. Are. Awesome.

Updates for July 6, 2017

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Validation updated today!

Plus, The Case of the Wendigo updated last Wednesday. Patrons see new pages the Tuesday before public updates, and now you can see new pages on Patreon on Thursdays. 3 straight days of urban fantasy goodness!


The funding has arrived! I made a public post about how much came to me after dropped pledges and KickStarter fees, and what’s coming next.

Commissions for KickStarter backers are still a work in progress. Check back later.


My next appearance will be at Not At Con Day, which is July 22, at New Dimension Comics in Saint Clairsville, OH, from 12 pm to 5 pm. There will be new minicomics, new zines, and new 11 inch by 17 inch prints.

I’ve also been invited by Parkersburg Pop Con to make an appearance at their show on September 30th this year. Awesome!