The Forest Spirit is more than just a spirit – she is a deity. She has been around since before written history. Her name has been lost to the ages, but she is forever present within the trees. When she moves, she moves slowly, thoughtfully, but deliberately. And when she is found, she will guide travelers by testing them – fail the test, and you are taken out of the forest, forever unable to find it again. Continue reading “The Forest Spirit: An Illustration”
Tis the Season for Prints and Posters

When I’m not making comics, I work at my day job, at a craft store.
Something I have noticed is that there are a LOT of people who buy seasonal crap. Halloween wreaths, Christmas decorations that leave waves of glitter at my register, and even the odd Thanksgiving table topper, are all sold to people who think buying these things will get them in the “spirit of the season” (whatever that means).
In case you can’t tell, I’m not a fan of seasonal things.
But I have started doing something that somehow gets me in a festive mood without feeling like I’ve sold my soul to kitschy trinkets.
I hang up posters.

I hang up prints, postcards, and posters I’ve gathered from conventions and traveling.

But I have so many of them I can’t hang them all.
So I only put up the ones that I feel fit the season.
Since it’s fall, I put up a bunch of prints of people in costumes, and prints and postcards with warm colors and dead trees and other related subjects depicted.

It’s unusual, but it’s something I’m comfortable with.

Plus, I get to surround myself with things made by artists I know or have otherwise met at cons! That is WAY more personal to me than a tabletopper you can get at the craft store.
But that’s just me.
Have you been feeling festive this season? Or do you hate this kind of stuff? And why? Let me know in comments below!
Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you on Friday.