Weekend Hiatus Announcement

saint clairsville downtown picture

Ok so I announced I was going to post one new sketch a day here on the blog, on Deviantart, and on Tumblr.

That’s going to be put on hold for this weekend. Sorry!

“But why?”

I’ll tell ya.

This week is my last week working two day jobs. Next week I’m going down to just one day job (thank goodness! It’ll leave more time to make comics, including Seeing Him, which is now raising money for stretch goals).

But that means both jobs have me working all day tomorrow. They had me work all day today, so I had no time to make or post a new sketch. I’m so sorry! :(

And then, on Friday, I’m leaving with my family for a weekend trip to Washington, DC.

So I’ll be gone until Monday or Tuesday, depending on traffic (oh god the traffic in the DC area is ATROCIOUS. I’m having flashbacks from Intervention Con).

I’m sorry to do this at the last minute! I hope you can give me time until I can get back to the drawing board.

In the meantime, please help Kia and I reach our stretch goals on KickStarter! You can give a pledge, or if you’ve done that already (or can’t pledge for any reason), spread the word and tell your friends! This entire campaign has been fueled by readers like you. Thank you. <3

Thanks for reading! You. Are. Awesome.