So one of my New Years Goals was to write 1000 words a day. Which sounds pretty lofty, but really I can accomplish that in about an hour. Sometimes less.
In writing 1000 words a day, I’m actually getting a LOT of writing done.
It’s not just blog posts either.
Thanks to my 1000 words written a day goal, I’ve revisited an old script of mine, and am now in the process of writing it and continuing off of it.
I’m talking about my post apocalyptic lesbian love story with zombie-killing, starring Claire and Tracy.
I finished editing Chapter 1, and I powered through Chapter 2. It’s a GREAT feeling knowing there’s progress finally being made on a project that’s been on hold for months.
I’ve been revisiting this project in my sketchbook, as well.

And I’ve been doing some sketching to flesh out their world bit by bit.
I’ve also been looking at this list of post-apocalyptic tropes to avoid and what hasn’t been done yet. I’m hoping to add elements of things rarely done in post-apocalyptic stories, pulling inspiration from this list.
Like bike-riding. Oh my shit there need to be more bike riders after cars become useless hunks of metal.
What are some tropes of the post apocalyptic genre you can think of? What hasn’t been done in a zombie story yet that you can think of? Leave them in the comments below. I would love to hear about them!
Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you tomorrow.