Remember how I said I wouldn’t do Inktober in this previous check-in post? Well, Inktober IS happening!
I got inspired by vigoburrito and their webcomic, The Divine Intervention. They drew that comic one panel at a time and posted it on Instagram.
So I thought, “What if I drew a comic one panel at a time for Inktober?”
Here’s what’s been drawn as of yesterday, October 3rd:

Yup! I’m drawing witch kitties – like from Kitties By Kelci on RedBubble.
What will happen next? Be sure to tune in on my Instagram! I’ll also post once a week here on the blog with updates.
Because of Inktober (and other work), I’ll be updating this blog less frequently. Just once a week for now. But know that other projects (like KickStarter fulfillment and commissions) are coming along.
That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!
You. Are. Awesome.
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