These Updates Brought to You By Ukulele

(This video was recorded January 17, 2017)

All the relevant links I mentioned:


Validation‘s Patreon Page

The Case of the Wendigo

My Patreon Page (especially for The Case of the Wendigo)

Storenvy (to get my comics, minicomics, prints, miniprints, etc)

Thoughtful Dinosaur KickStarter Page

Sign up for my email newsletter to find out when I can do commissions for you

The Thomcast


My Review of Heart of Darkmeat

The next vlog update will be after Feb 23rd. Any comics-related news from me will be on this here blog.

Thank you for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

2 Replies to “These Updates Brought to You By Ukulele”

  1. Kelci, I wish you all the possible success for your full-time freelancer career.

    FWIW, I think your reviews are already quite informative, and you are actually doing a lot more than simply yelling This is so good, go buy it! But of course it’s a great idea to provide even more insight into why and how a particular comic or novel is awesome.

    I like that you plan to focus on independent comics and webcomics, especially as those are not covered by my favorite comic-related vlog series Strip Panel Naked, which is otherwise excellent, and drills down really deep into many different techniques and choices that make comics awesome (you may want to have a look at them for inspiration).

    And while I enjoy the quirkiness and enthusiasm of Comic Book Girl 19, I think she covers a lot more movies than comics, and of the latter mostly “mainstream” superheros.

    1. Thank you very much, Timothy! I’ll check out those channels and see if there’s any inspiration and/or ideas to be had and shared from them.

      But yeah, indie comics and webcomics need more love and attention given to them, and I hope I can help with that.

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