The Final Hours of Jamie Roberts, Volume 1 on KickStarter

We’re in the FINAL hours of The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1 on KickStarter.

If you haven’t heard:

The Legend is the story of Jamie Roberts and their two best friends treasure-hunting with a stolen map in a land full of magic.

The story is a long-running webcomic project, but now…

  • We’re getting chapters 1 through 4 (plus bonus material) in one book.
  • The KickStarter launched to get funding so the book can go to print.
  • We reached our initial goal! And now we’re SO CLOSE to our next stretch goal!

Interested in getting the book? Back it soon – the campaign ENDS MARCH 27 – that’s THIS SATURDAY.

Rewards for backers include, but are not limited to:

  • Books!
  • PDFs!
  • Stickers!
  • Campaign-exclusive minicomics!
  • And more!

If we reach 50 backers, I’ll add new bonus material to the book: sketched versions of Chapter 5’s first 3 to 4 pages. Will you be our 50th? Or even our 51st?!

Broke? Share this post, or the campaign link ( FAR AND WIDE!

Thank you for your support however you show it.

You. Are. Awesome.

Last Week for The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Volume 1

a four-block design announces "The Legend's Last Week on KickStarter. Campaign ends March 27. More info at" In one block, Jamie blocks a sword attach from a soldier. In another block, Basho and Izhye gasp in shock. Another block announces rewards for campaign backers.

It’s the LAST week that The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1 is on KickStarter. The campaign ends March 27!

The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1 collects the first 4 chapters, plus bonus content, in one volume. If you love genderqueer protagonists, pirates, dragons, magic, and adventure, this is the story for you!

Early Bird rewards may be all claimed, but there are still other rewards. Like…

  • $1 – you get a copy of Jamie and Friends’ map made as a desktop background.
  • $2 – you get the above PLUS the minicomic The Legend of Norsa mailed to you.
  • $10 – you get the digital background PLUS a PDF copy of The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1.
  • $25 – get the above PLUS the copy of the book with a custom autograph
  • alternately, $25 – get the digital rewards PLUS two copies of the book are donated in your name to your local library.

Can you back the campaign? Then check it out BEFORE MARCH 27!

Broke? Share the link to the campaign ( far and wide with your friends!

The Legend of Jamie Roberts Returns to KickStarter!

(image of Jamie Roberts, a genderqueer young person with messy blonde hair climbing the side of a mud-brick building. They look out at the sea with a soft smile on their face. Text next to them reads The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1 - Funded in the 1st 24 hours)
(image of Jamie Roberts, a genderqueer young person with messy blonde hair climbing the side of a mud-brick building. They look out at the sea with a soft smile on their face. Text next to them reads The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1 – Funded in the 1st 24 hours)

Jamie Roberts returns to KickStarter!

Jamie is neither boy or girl – they’re a PIRATE! The Legend is about Jamie and their two best friends, Thomas and Daniel, as they uncover an unfinished map to a land they’ve never seen.

So what do they do with this map?

(A picture of Jamie, a genderqueer human with messy blonde hair and green eyes, gesturing with excitement, saying, "Go treasure hunting, of course!")
(A picture of Jamie, a genderqueer human with messy blonde hair and green eyes, gesturing with excitement, saying, “Go treasure hunting, of course!”)

So they leave their life on the seas and go adventuring for treasure! Along the way they find magic, dragons, and an ancient history bubbling back to the surface once more.

Right now, the story is on KickStarter to get chapters 1 through 4 – plus bonus content – in one shiny paperback book.

If you back this campaign, you’ll get:

  • a custom-signed copy of the book,
  • the map Jamie, Thomas, and Daniel found, complete with their notes and doodles,
  • your very own orb (make sure it never breaks, or Ranki will escape his prison!)
  • and more!

Some rewards are ONLY available until March 12, so check out the campaign and back it if and while you can.

“Wait!” you might be thinking. “You’ve already reached your funding goal! So what’s in it for me if I support you?”

Well, we still have stretch goals!

If we can get to 30 backers, then everyone who supports the campaign will get a FREE sticker sheet included with their rewards.

And if we get to 40 backers? I’ll make a NEW minicomic for all backers, The Legend of Azu-Mi.

Plus, I have a NEW gift…

(a black and white line drawing of a dragon roaring into the void. The title, The Legend of Jamie Roberts, is printed along the top)
(a black and white line drawing of a dragon roaring into the void. The title, The Legend of Jamie Roberts, is printed along the top)

Here’s a free, downloadable coloring book page for you!

If 5 people color this page, and use the hashtag #thelegendofjamieroberts on Instagram or TikTok, then I’ll add a bookplate to each book! (Up to a maximum of 50 books.)

Broke? Share this link far and wide with your pirate-loving friends:

Some rewards are ONLY available until March 12. The campaign as a whole wraps up on March 27.

Thank you for your support, however you show it!

You. Are. Awesome.

Prepare! For The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Volume 1 on KickStarter…

jamie roberts, a genderqueer human with messy blonde hair and green eyes, is gesturing with dreamy excitement against a brown background.

It’s that time – time for a new KickStarter campaign. And this time, I’m hoping to get The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1 in paperback.


The Legend of Jamie Roberts is a weekly webcomic I write and illustrate. It’s all about Jamie – neither man or woman, but a PIRATE. Jamie and their two best friends, Thomas and Daniel, find an unfinished map for a land they never explored. And so together, they go on a new adventure!

Volume 1 will collect the first 4 chapters of the webcomic. Yeah, I know I had chapters 1 and 2 in single-issue comics before. And those had their own KickStarter campaigns. But volume 1 will be the first time the first 4 chapters of the story will be in print together.


Mark your calendars – the KickStarter will launch before the end of February.


If you want to be first in line to pre-order the book, you need to get on the email newsletter. My email peeps are the first to know when ANY KickStarter launches. That means they get to see the Early Access rewards, which are only available for a limited time.

Any questions? Hit me up in the comments below.

Thanks for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

Writing for Comics 101 – Making Pages You Can Actually Read

In today’s lesson of Writing for Comics 101, let’s talk about making pages you can ACTUALLY read.

How do we do that? By not packing the pages with an obscene amount of dialogue.

Or at least, if you HAVE to keep so much dialogue, how to pace it out so it’s not a word brick.

This technique is something discussed in more detail in Making Comics by Scott McCloud, so what I’ll do for today’s post is share my mistakes so you can learn from them.

Let’s take a look at this page from Seeing Him, written by Kia Crawford and drawn by me:

seeing him transgender webcomic page 25

To be honest, there’s a way to get the information across that we need, without using a fuck-ton of dialogue.

We could:

  • split this between two pages,
  • condense the banter,
  • condense the backstory drop,
  • change the page layout,
  • change the balloon layout,
  • or any combination of these.

At least past me had the sense to split the dialogue into separate balloons. That way the page felt, at the time, a little less like a word brick.

This is me spit-balling some ideas right now on how to fix this page of Seeing Him: we could change the camera focus in the second and third panels, to cut away to framed photos on the walls. Those photos could showcase the history of the venue. With that edit, we can split the dialogue up some more, re-frame where the speech balloons sit, and make the page feel like less of a collection of talking heads.

Compare this page to The Legend of Jamie Roberts, page 65, written and drawn by me.

the legend of jamie roberts genderqueer lgbtq pirate adventure webcomic page 65

Here, I let the space breathe and tell the story for me, without so many words.

Whether you can draw or not, comics are a visual medium. Let the environment and scenery describe for you what words could not.

If you have questions, or need feedback, let me know in the comments. I’m happy to help.

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.