LAST CHANCE To Back Be Not Apurred on KickStarter, Yo

Let’s jump right into it – we have 24 hours left before Be Not Apurred on KickStarter ends! This is your last chance to back it, and be the first to get these celestial key chains.

We have hit our base goal, but we haven’t hit our stretch goals yet. If we get even 4 more backers, we can make these Biblically accurate cat angel key chains ~HOLOGRAPHIC~ yo!

The more support this campaign gets, the more key chains we can rain on the world – which means more cat angels.

SO…if you have the means to back the campaign, be sure to…

Broke? Feel free to share the link to the cat lovers in your life. Sharing is caring and it helps more than you know. If it makes it easier, just copy/paste to make it happen.

Thank you so much for your support.

You. Are. Awesome.

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