Yes, that’s right – I got a new space set up for all my comics-making needs!
It’s roomier, I don’t have to move equipment all the time, and the natural lighting is AMAZING. I think the biggest plus about this space is it’s no longer in my bedroom. So not only do I not have to fit all of this in a four foot square space so I have enough room to sleep, but now I can focus on creating. No longer will I look over to the bed and think, “A nap is in order today.”
I already used the new space last night and I can safely say I LOVE this arrangement. Everything is much more intuitive now.
Let’s see, what other news can I share?
Well recently (and by recently I mean in the last month and a half) I’ve run a survey for newsletter subscribers and Patreon and KickStarter backers. This was to gauge not only what folks liked, but what folks would like to see more of.
The results? Well I can’t divulge much, but I can say the majority of people definitely wanted to see more comics and mini-comics from me. Plus, given that most of them bought my work through my Gumroad shop or by backing one of my KickStarters, I can safely say that there will be more comics coming next year in some form or other.
Speaking of plans, right now I’m saving up money for a new camera set-up. That way I can record vlogs on a device that’s not my phone. Once I get this new camera, I’ll be back to updating my vlog series and doing Review Day Tuesdays again.
Also, if you backed my recent KickStarter to make Johnson & Sir: The Collected Comics a real thing in the real world, I posted an update you can read here.
I’m also doing commissions for newsletter subscribers and Patrons of both Seeing Him and Validation. All of these folks get specials and discounts, so be sure to sign up for the newsletter if you’re broke, or support Seeing Him or Validation (or both!) on Patreon. You get my peanut butter & chocolate chip cookies if you do all three.

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!
You. Are. Awesome.