For You College Graduates Out There

As I’m writing this, it’s the eve of July, which means you’ve probably been out of school for a while. But I know there are some students who aren’t finished until the Summer Semester or Fall Semester.

Hey, it’s college. You can graduate when it’s best for you and your degree.

For me, it’s been a full year since I graduated from college.

And within that year, for me, a lot has happened:

I’ve gained and lost jobs, I started paying back student loans, I got a boyfriend, I moved twice, and I started freelancing and got some good gigs.

But I realized: when you graduate from college, nobody really tells you what your life will be like within the first YEAR outside of school. They just give general, life-long advice, like do what you love, empathize with others, and all that other bull.

Instead of doing that, I want to share with you what I wish someone had told me when I graduated from school last year. I hope that this can help you with the first year after you graduate, because that year is the toughest.

  1. Keep your college friends. With Skype and email, it’s much easier.
  2. Keep calm, but it’s still ok to cry.
  3. Don’t Forget to Be Awesome.
  4. PLEASE don’t forget who you are. It’s really easy to get caught up in petty grievances in the “real world” (like, arguing with someone about your place in the ticket line, or fighting over the last biscuit). Those grievances don’t matter. But don’t forget where you stand on the things that matter to you.
  5. About the subject of work and employment: CALM THE FUCK DOWN RIGHT NOW. You will figure it out as you go in life. Just because your current job sucks or even if your job is the best thing ever, it doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it for life. You WILL change jobs. And sometimes you will change jobs a lot.
  6. Remember: we’re young. Most of us traditional students are in our twenties by the time we graduate. We have at least another 70 years to do shit. DON’T BE IN SUCH A RUSH.
  7. Ignore the philosophy of YOLO, unless you’re actively avoiding dangerous events. i.e. “I think I won’t go skydiving, because YOLO.”
  8. You’re not a grown-up until you decide it for yourself. Adulthood is not an achievement to unlock in a video game, and it’s not easily broken up into stages. Life has no hard edges. Life often blends in together. But it’s a wonderful, chaotic, beautiful blending.
  9. The sudden realization that you and your parent belong to the same societal ranking of “legal adult” may take some getting used to, by all of you. And that’s ok. Take your time and respect each other’s boundaries.
  10. If you have a problem, SAY SOMETHING.
  11. Welcome the idea of getting lost.
  12. Life is not what happens to you. Life is what you choose to do about it.
  13. Always carry napkins with you.
  14. For god’s sake, learn to cook something that’s NOT mac’n’cheese or Ramen. Your body will thank you.
  15. Eat some goddamn fruits and veggies.
  16. You know how school (both college and pre-college) instilled in us that we should do what we’re told and be good workers and push pencils and we’ll be rewarded for our efforts? That system doesn’t exist (unless you’re in the military). We have to learn an entirely new system of doing things, one that everyone else conveniently didn’t tell us. I think it involves doing things we’re not asked to do and not being dicks to people. But we have each other to help us figure out the rest.
  17. Collaborate.
  18. Communicate.
  19. Read all those books that you said you would read while you were in school.
  20. Do all the things you said you would do in your undergrad years.
  21. If you don’t know how to do something, ask Google. If you don’t know how to do something but don’t want to read words, go to YouTube.
  22. Please keep in touch with your old professors. They’re probably worried about you.
  23. The traditional way of doing things (getting a job, getting a significant other, etc) are no longer relevant. Set your own rules, be a good person, and go into the world. If you need encouragement, I’m here.
You are welcome to print this out if you need reminders. If you have questions or concerns, you’re welcome to ask too, here on the blog or in email (kelcidcrawford at gmail dot com).
Good luck to you!

Status Update: Commence!

Shmerg! I was without internet for, like, a week until yesterday. It was an inconvenience, but now I can actually DO THINGS now! You don’t realize how dependent you are on Google searches, email, and YouTube until they’re gone.

In that time, though, I’ve been researching and developing:
Blurry photo. Sorry. But this is a caption of how I develop my story’s history of cultures.
The Legend of Jamie Roberts is deceptively complicated in many places, but especially in the cultures that exist in the story. Corith, Touloy, and Jocasta are three entirely separate cultures and countries and I’m surprised they HAVEN’T gone to war with each other yet.
But I’ll talk about their differences later.
In terms of script, I’m re-writing part 2 and I changed the scripting format so I can breeze through the first draft faster. As of right now, I have 297 pages total scripted (that’s including Part 1). I’m hoping to get the first draft finished by August 24th, my birthday.
In terms of research, that’s always an ongoing process. But right now I’m reading three REALLY cool books to help me figure out a few things: 
These books are all fascinating for different reasons, and if you haven’t checked them out yet, I think you should, because they’re interesting reading. The books about West Point Military Academy and the US Army are both illustrated with LOTS of photos and artifacts from old military history, which is really cool. Plus, at points, US Army history can be kind of tragically hilarious. And it’s awesome to learn about the amazingly badass warrior women from around the world (like the battle queens of ancient Islam, the warrior women of the Vietnam War, Chinese pirate captains, etc).
On to other updates.
Johnson & Sir will be on a brief vacation as I script out their next story arc. It’ll be a murder mystery involving aliens, I know that much for sure. All previous posts can still be seen on the blog. I can’t give an estimate as to when the scripting and drawing will get finished, but I will TRY to keep the hiatus short.
Validation, the new webcomic I’m making with Christian Beranek, has been going steady in terms of production. The website for the launch has had a bit of a set back, but in the meantime, Christian and I are still making comics. It’s really exciting and I’ll be talking more in-detail about it in the next blog post.
My Blog has some new updates, if you wanna’ check that out (you should. I try to reblog some of the cooler things pertaining to comics and art).
MACPILT, the doujinshi circle Chloe and I founded, is on hiatus until we get this most recent collaborative piece finished. I’m keeping what the subject matter is a surprise. But once it’s finished, it’ll be on the blog. :D
Bonus: I’m going to try a new thing where I post warm-up sketches done for the day on my Twitter feed. I haven’t posted mine up yet for today, but go subscribe if you’re interested in future sketches.
Thanks for your support, and don’t forget to be awesome!

Daily Sketch Challenge Entry

Occasionally I like to engage in the Daily Sketch Challenge. It keeps me artistically limber and lets me try new things.

Today I thought I would try something new with drawing digitally and lighting techniques. And also, somehow, my brushes became textured to a degree, which was also fun to play with.

Here’s my rendition of Christopher Lee’s Dracula.

If you’d like to take part in future Daily Sketch challenges, just go to this link.

In case you missed it, here’s my video showing Part 1 of my sketchbook I finished last week. Part 2 is coming soon!

Johnson & Sir also updated today! Go here to check out their latest antics (and reblog to your Tumblr, if you so wish). I tweaked the site a little bit so it should read easier. The last design seemed clunky to me. This time it should be easier to read the comics.

Don’t Forget to Be Awesome, and I will see you again soon!

My Most Recent Sketchbook

I finished a sketchbook in the last week or so. It saw use from December of 2012 up until now (I tend to go through sketchbooks pretty quickly).

And I made a video to show you what it looks like. :D

Actually, I made a series of videos. Part 1 is now up (still working on the other parts).

You can check it out on YouTube.

Poster illustrations in stages from conception to finalized form.
Character designs for various comic projects.
Notes on developing stories.

Click the link above OR the image below to watch the video:

Don’t Forget to Be Awesome, and I will see you soon!

Video Blogging

Within the last month, I have started making video blogs (or “vlogs”).

I started doing this after being inspired by the likes of the Vlogbrothers, Sister Unity, Wheezy Waiter, and Alex Day.

It’s fun, it’s quick to film (the editing process could go a bit better), and it helps me tell stories and show you things I wouldn’t be able to do otherwise.

Just a little warning: while I do my best to make these videos as high a quality as possible, it’s just me with my camera phone. PLUS, there is a little bit of swearing, just in case that isn’t your cup of tea.

This link I will include is actually to my third Vlog entry, called “Coffee Shop Sketching Time”. In this video I actually show some sketches of a coffee shop I made for the comic strip Validation.