I’m Available for Commissions!

I’m available for commissions for the holiday season!

If you’ve ever wanted me to draw you something, this is your window of time. And people who join my email newsletter will get a special discount tomorrow for 25% off their order!

Why am I open for commissions now? Well, part of it is the holiday spirit. And also…

  • Making art is my full-time job. But currently, client work is pretty light. So I have time to make commissions for you.
  • my neck of the woods has been under a freeze warning for the last few days, which means turning up the heat – raising our electric bill.
  • My roommate and I rescued a kitten recently. He’s 6 weeks old now! We rescued him from the middle of a busy road, and we want to give him the best life we can. Which means vet visits to make sure he’s vaccinated and healthy.

Want to see what I can draw for you? Here are some samples…

full color full body character $100+
half body, full color character $90+
full body, black and white character $80+
half body in black and white $70+

Now, these are priced the way they are because these are prices for the general public. KickStarter backers already got their orders in. They (and email subscribers) get discount codes off commission prices during special windows of time.

Email subscribers will get their discount code in the morning. So if you want that sweet, sweet discount, subscribe today.

Not subscribing? No problem – I can draw your commission for you, anyway!

Before You Order…

I have updated my terms and conditions to make things more transparent for you, while also making clear what you can (and can’t do) with the art I make for you. That agreement is in this Google Doc. So be sure to give it a look before you proceed.

After that, head on over to Ko-Fi and place your order there!

Commissions are open for everyone UNTIL DECEMBER 15. That way I can make every effort to get these done before Christmas/New Year’s Eve.

Broke? Share this announcement! It helps (more than you think it does).

That’s all for now. Thank you for your support!

You. Are. Awesome.

Tattoo Commission – Knight vs. Dragon

This enormous piece marked the first large tattoo I’ve been commissioned to make. I made this entirely in Clip Studio Paint, though the initial concept had been drawn in my Strathmore sketchbook.

I left the edging as-is so the tattoo artist could interpret the border as needed. They can add more smoke, do a fade, or do anything else they feel confident they can do.

If you like this piece, then I hope you consider working with me! I’m available for commissions. I have two sets of rates – one for commercial use, and one for personal use. In this case, this tattoo commission would fall under “personal use.”

To get a commission like this one for personal use, check out my rates on Ko-Fi.

If you have commercial work for me, email me at kelcidcrawford@gmail.com with more details. As detailed on my Hire Me page, I can do comic book covers, posters, and other work.

Thanks for checking out this piece!

You. Are. Awesome.

A Time of Need

bat zabbai lineart close up for details
Here’s a close-up of one my my Women Warriors illustrations for sale on Storenvy.

As some project are wrapping up, I’m beginning the search for other freelancing work for art, illustration, and comics. Time to build up portfolios and pitch to people!

In the meantime, I AM available for commissions. My rates can be found here.

(My only rules are I do not draw gratuitous violence or graphic porn. Otherwise I’ll draw it. Any other questions, and you can email me.)

I also have new original art for sale on Storenvy, and digital goods on Gumroad, if you wanted something more.

Why am I hunting around for more work? Continue reading “A Time of Need”