New Art Coming to the Website Soon

I’ve been updating the galleries on this site, starting with the Commissioned Works gallery. I FINALLY found a plugin that’ll work on the site that’ll show the art and not look like garbage.

The Illustrations section will be split into subsections so I can feature The Women Warriors, Subversive Girls, and a few other series’ of illustrations.

A gallery of Sketches is also slated to reappear…somehow…in some way…

The Almost-End of the Year Announcements

t rex vs shark t shirt
It’s T-Rex vs. Shark in my new shirt! Click the image to get this for your very own.

Please forgive my absence on the blog. There were book printers to hassle with, fights in the family to resolve (thankfully all offline), and a funeral to attend last weekend. In short, life was a total pain in the ass.

For the most part, things are resolved now. So I thought I would clue you in on some updates. Continue reading “The Almost-End of the Year Announcements”

I’m Off to Swarm Con This Weekend!

validation 156 promo
From Validation #156.

I’m hitting the road again, this time for Savannah, Georgia.



I found out about this show from my friend Chloe, a grad student at the Savannah College of Art and Design. She and I are going to be in the Artist Alley April 25th and 26th, showing off and selling our work. If you can make it, I would love to see you there!

In the meantime, there’s a lot of webcomics available for you, from Validation to Johnson & Sir to the first chapter of Charlie & Clow.

(Johnson & Sir are still looking for guest comics! More info is available here.)

And of course, the KickStarter for Seeing Him, the Webcomic is still going! So pledge, spread the word, and help us reach our stretch goals before May 4!

And if you want to help fund another campaign, Pink Dollar Comics (the soon-to-be publisher for Seeing Him) is raising funds to get to Flame Con. So if you can, pledge and spread the word for them too!

When I come back (on Tuesday), I’ll tell you all about my trip.

And, who knows? There may be a sale on my Storenvy soon after. ;)

Thanks for reading!