Oh man, I want to share ALL OF THE THINGS with you, but we gotta’ do this one step at a time.
First, The Superhero Ladies Sketchbook is finally online!
I listed it for $1.99 on Gumroad, and you can download a copy by clicking the cover image below:
Why Gumroad?
Because they’re nicer, cleaner, and more direct than Amazon. And you don’t have to have a super-long checkout experience. I’ve used Gumroad before and it’s smooth and fast. I wanted your shopping to be as nice as possible, and Gumroad fit the bill!
Ok, second, I’m working on a new email newsletter!
It’ll be free, and hopefully (if I can configure everything correctly) people who first sign up will get a free downloadable image for a desktop/phone background. Pretty sweet!
The newsletter will highlight comic updates, blog posts, new product news, and even bonus sketches and cartoons you can’t get anywhere else. Because INCENTIVE.
Third, I finished a new illustration, shown below:

Click it to get a better view, because I am SO proud of how this turned out.
I really pushed myself with the colors, shadows, and gestures. There’s still a few spots I could fix, but I could work on it forever. I won’t. It’s too good right now for me to fiddle with it any further.
(If you don’t know who the two ladies are, they’re Claire and Tracy, from a story I’m scripting about road-tripping through post-apocalyptic zombie America. You can read more about it here.)
And fourth, the blog will no longer update on Mondays…at least for now.
I’ve been working hard this past month to update every weekday, but it’s starting to take away time from making comics and art. Plus, with an upcoming newsletter to make, I need some time to make that awesome.
So, yeah, I’m going to make some changes to the blog, starting with no Monday updates. It’ll give me the time I need to keep making great art and comics for you to enjoy.
The other change I want to make to the blog is that the posts are going to get more personal – except for Review Day Tuesday and Featured Artist Friday. Those are features I want to keep.
I’ve discovered that, while people occasionally like my tutorials, you seem to like when I just blether on about something personal to me. Which is cool! I’m happy to make more stuff like that.
That, and there’s just some personal stuff I want to talk about that I can’t fit in a sufficient amount of space on Twitter.
But I want to keep Review Day Tuesday and Featured Artist Friday. Those are features that I hope will show you new work and new artists to geek out for and support. Like Ark Revner, or Jeff Laclede, or Shadowbinders, or Bartez.
Thank you so much for reading! I’ll see you tomorrow with a new review – and it’s for a webcomic!
how do i sign up for the newsletter?
I’ll be posting a sign-up form on Thursday. I’m still configuring a few things, but hopefully it’ll be ready soon!